EXCLUSIV: Fredrik Jordanius (Lake Of Tears, Egonaut) pregateste o surpriza pentru publicul din Romania! (Interviu)
11 Ianuarie 2017 de Andreea Gherfi
Egonaut, celebra formatie suedeza de doom rock, va lansa pe data de 20 ianuarie un videoclip pentru piesa "Initium", primul single extras de pe noul material de studio al trupei ce urmeaza a fi lansat in toamna acestui an.
Videoclipul piesei "Initium" va fi lansat in exclusivitate pe www.metalhead.ro !
Fredrik Jordanius, chitarist si membru fondator al trupei Egonaut, cunoscut in mod special pentru proiectul Lake Of Tears, ne-a dezvaluit cateva detalii in exclusivitate despre acest nou album!
Metalhead: Hello and thank you for sacrificing a little bit of your time to answer a few questions for our readers. How is everybody doing in Egonaut right now?
Fredrik Jordanius: Hi! We're doing quite well I suppose although we might be starting to get a bit worn and slightly nocturnal from being in the studio for the past month or so.
Metalhead: Can you share with us one little secret of what's happening in your studio? :)
Fredrik Jordanius: I, actually just seconds before starting this interview, finished the lead-guitar parts and Dennis spent all day and most of the night yesterday in a studio in Stockholm tracking mellotrons and other strange keyboard instruments, so right now we're pretty much finished with all the instrumentation. Next up is tracking vocals.
Metalhead: Since april last year you've been counting on Facebook the steps towards your new album release. How many steps are there left until this very big day? Can you share with us a specific date and/or an album title?
Fredrik Jordanius: We started the counter at about the same time we started writing the first songs for the album and from easter up until november we were writing and demoing the new material. Right now we are in the tracking phase and we hope to have all that completed and ready for mixing sometime in february/march. The album, wich I think will remain unnamed for now, will be out in the fall of 2017 but we are working on a second single release/video that we hope to have out sometime in april/may.
Metalhead: On the 20th of January you will be releasing the first single taken from this new and long awaited studio album. We have a song, it's called "Initium" and it's the first Egonaut music taste since Deluminati (2015). What is the story behind this song and why is it so important that you chose it to be the first one you share with your fans?
Fredrik Jordanius: Actually Initium was the first song that I wrote for what was to be this album so it felt quite fitting to have it open the album and also be the first single from the album. It is the track that sets the scenery for the whole album both musically and lyrically.
Metalhead: Is "Initium" a reflection of what's coming next on Egonaut's music path? Is this album going to be different than your previous ones?
Fredrik Jordanius: Yes I would say so. I think it will be somewhat of a natural progression from the earlier albums, keeping the vibe that we had on Deluminati and taking it one step further. Every Egonaut album has been slightly different and I would say that it's because of the band progressing as musicians and me progressing as a songwriter.
Metalhead: On Deluminati you had some darker titles like Hex and Acheron. Will we find something similar on your new material?
Fredrik Jordanius: I'm sure you will! The new album is somewhat of a thematic/conceptual album and it does not tell a very happy story, there will be plenty of darkness in both titles and music.
Metalhead: Usually after a new release comes a plan for a tour. Is there such a plan in Egonaut's books for 2017?
Fredrik Jordanius: Hell yes, we are looking into both Swedish and European dates right now, so there will definitely be some kind of tour to coincide with the release. I am really hoping that we can set something up in Romania too, maybe a festival date or something.
Metalhead: Many artists consider that music should adapt to the new technology while others think that online streaming is killing them. Which side are you on?
Fredrik Jordanius: We are fortunate enough to own and operate our own recording studio, so we can really keep the costs down regarding the production of our albums and so forth; I really don't mind the new way with streaming and all though but I somehow have the feeling that right now everybody in the music business is making money but the people in the actual bands. I do however feel, and somewhat notice when playing shows, that people really don't want to pay to see live music anymore either and that's a bigger worry for me.
Metalhead: You've been on this music "Doom N Roll" adventure for almost 12 years. Looking back at all the things you have done, are there any regrets or things you might have done differently now?
Fredrik Jordanius: I probably would have learned to sing properly earlier ;), but seriously there are always things that could have been done differently and that might have yielded different results from where we are now but I really don't believe in regrets. I'm more in the mind set that bands had in the seventies; write music, release an album, if it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to then make another, better one.
Metalhead: We are looking forward to what is going to happen on 20th of January! Thank you for your answers and we wish you the best of luck with everything you have prepared for 2017!
Fredrik Jordanius: Thank you! We're really psyched to find out how people will react to our new material.