Enter Shikari au facut publica inregistrarea unui concert din 2019
07 Iulie 2020 de Cristi Nedelcu
Trupa prezinta concertul de la Ancienne Belgique din Bruxelles, din 2019. Concertul face parte din cadrul turneului mondial "The Spark Era".
"Some of our crew have been with us since 2006. They're our family, and make us look and sound good, often under difficult circumstances. The least we can do is try to support them during this difficult time. We would have liked to have done something for them sooner, but mixing the audio on this took us longer than expected, and they wouldn't appreciate us rushing out shoddy art in their name. The Brussels AB is one of the best venues in the world, and one that has always been good to us on the many times we've played there. We're happy to finally be able to capture a show from there on tape.", a declarat solistul trupei, Rou Reynolds.
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