Stiluri: Death
Biografie Entombed
Trupa suedeza de death metal Entombed a luat nastere in anul 1987, sub numele de Nihilist. Albumul de debut Entombed s-a intitulat Left Hand Path si este considerat drept un material care a prefigurat stilul death metal suedez. Acestuia ii urmeaza in 1991 albumul Clandestine. Dupa participarea la turneul Gods of Grind, soundul trupei Entombed evolueaza spre o combinatie de hard rock si death metal numita death and roll. Albumele Wolverine Blues si Hollowman sunt considerate reprezentative pentru heavy metalul de la inceputul anilor '90. In 1999 apare albumul Uprising, care constituie o intoarcere la stilul cu care Entombed au debutat. Este considerat un material anti-comercial din partea suedezilor. Morning Star, care ii urmeaza lui Uprising, reprezinta insa o intoarcere la stilul de pe Wolverine Blues si Hollowman. Entombed lanseaza EP-ul When in Sodom pe 6 iunie 2006, urmat un an mai tarziu, in iulie 2007 de albumul full-length Serpent Saints - The Ten Amendments .......Toata biografia Entombed
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Stiri cu Entombed
L.G. Petrov, solsitul Entombed A.D., a murit
Lars Goran Petrov, solistul Enombed A.D. ne-a parasit azi noapte. Anuntul a fost facut de formatie pe pagina lor de facebook. Iata ce au declarat acestia: We are devastated to announce that our beloved friend Lars-Goran Petrov has left us. Our brother, leader, vocalist, our Chief Rebel Angel went...
Entombed A.D.: "Kill To Live", un nou clip live oficial (video)
Filmat in cadrul Party.San Metal Open Air, in Germania, de catre Oliver Barth (Visions In Fear), noul clip Entombed A.D. prezinta piesa "Kill to Live", preluata de pe cel mai recent disc al trupei - "Back To The Front". Enjoy! Entombed A.D. va putea fi urmarita si in...
ENTOMBED live Romanian Thrash Metal Fest - 3rd edition Old Grave Fest
Inca o data Romanian Thrash Metal Club este onorat sa prezinte o trupa in premiera pentru Romania. De aceasta data este vorba despre Entombed A.D. care vin pregatiti cu tot arsenalul din dotare pentru un show devastator in cadrul Romanian Thrash Metal Fest – 3rd edition – Old Grave Fest....
Entombed is schimba numele si revin cu un clip nou
Entombed si-a schimbat numele in Entombed A.D. si au lansat, prin intermediul Century Media Records, un nou album - "Back To The Front" , consemnand revenirea discografica a suedezilor, dupa o liniste de 7 ani. "Pandemic Rage", a treia piesa de pe disc beneficiaza de un clip video, pe...
Entombed A.D. - Back to the front (cronica de album)
Dupa 7 ani de la ultima productie discografica, Entombed au revenit astazi, 4 august 2014, cu un nou disc - "Back To The Front" si sub un nou nume - Entombed A.D. Editat sub egida Century Media Records, "Back to the Front" continua in linia trasata de trupa suedeza de-a...
Videoclipuri Entombed
Top Versuri Entombed
27. Amazing Grace (Mellow Drunk)
13. Amazing Grace
01. Hollowman
04. Bonehouse
Hey Bitch!
05. Same Difference
08. Parasight
07. Crawl
12. Mental Twin
02. Albino Flogged in Black
But Life Goes On
04. Wound
03. Clauses
Out Of Hand
14. Satan
26. Lost
03. Bursting Out
07. What You Need
24. The Ballad of Hollis Brown
01. Left Hand Path
01. Out of Hand
06. Somewhat Peculiar
12. Boats
That's When I Became A Satanist
Retaliation (Video Edit)
When In Sodom
Love Song For Lucifer
11. Carnival Leftovers [*]
Wolverine Blues
02. God of Thunder
01. Out of Hand
05. Out of Heaven
Shreds Of Flesh
10. Put Me Out
01. Addiction King
06. Young Man Nihilist
08. Fractures
Albino Flogged In Black (Video Edit)
In The Blood
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Entombed
- Out Of Hand Tab
- Like This With The Devil Tab
- Demon Tab
- I For An Eye Tab
- Heavens Die Tab
- Eyemaster Tab
- Lost Tab
- Revel In Flesh Tab
- God Of Thunder Bass Tab
- About To Die Tab
- State Of Emergency Tab
- Living Dead Tab
- Wolverine Blues Bass Tab
- Wolverine Blues Tab
- Seeing Red Tab
- Night Of The Vampire Tab
- Left Hand Path Tab
- Severe Burns Tab
- Damn Deal Done Tab
- Blood Song Tab
- Ensemble Of The Restless Tab
- To Ride Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth Tab
- Full Of Hell Tab
- Stranger Aeons Bass Tab
- Year One Now Tab
- Black Breath Tab
- Black Ju Ju Tab
- Addiction King Tab
- Serpent Speech Tab
- Wont Back Down Tab
- Black Breath Bass Tab
- Hellraiser Bass Tab
- Full Of Hell Bass Tab
- Lights Out Tab
- Shreds Of Flesh Tab
- Stranger Aeons Tab
- Carnal Leftovers Tab
- I For An Eye ver2 Tab