Escape The Fate
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Slipknot
Linkin Park
30 Seconds to Mars
Tokio Hotel
System of a Down
Dirty Shirt
My Chemical Romance
Paradox Romania
Stiri cu Escape The Fate
Escape The Fate - One for the Money (videoclip in premiera)
Escape the Fate au lansat videoclipul piesei "One for the Money" . Piesa reprezinta cel de-al doilea single lansat de pe "Ungrateful" , noul album al trupei ce a fost aparut anul acesta, pe 14 mai. Trupa va porni in turneu impreuna cu Five Finger Death Punch incepand din 17 septembrie....
Avenged Sevenfold si multi altii confirmati pentru Uproar Festival2011
Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Seether, Bullet For My Valentine, Escape The Fate si multi altii au fost confirmati pentru editia din acest an a festivalului american Uproar Festival (26 august - 14 octombrie). Datele si artistii confirmati sunt: Main Stage: Avenged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, Seether,...
Motionless In White si Escape The Fate anunta un nou turneu
Motionless In White si Escape The Fate vor pleca intr-un nou turneu, numit " The Dead Masquerade Tour". Alaturi de ei vor mai canta Alesana, Get Scared si Drive A. Turneul va incepe pe 20 ianuarie , iar datele concertelor le puteti vedea mai jos: 1/20/2010 Tucson, AZ Rialto Theatre...
Escape The Fate anunta un album si un turneu
Escape The Fate au anuntat ca primul lor album lanstat sub DGC/Interscope Records va purta numele trupei si va fi lansat pe 2 noiembrie, dar si un turneu in deschiderea Bullet For My Valentine. Prima piesa, " Massacre ", a avut premiera pe Myspace in weekend si a inregistrat 200.000 de vizite in 2 zile....
Videoclipuri Escape The Fate
Top Versuri Escape The Fate
There's No Sympathy For The Dead
Reverse This Curse
Not Good Enough For Truth Or Cliche
My Apocalypse
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Escape The Fate
- 10 Miles Wide Tab
- Ashley Chords
- This War Is Ours Chords
- Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche Chords
- Smooth Intro Tab
- The Guillotine Solo Tab
- Ransom (ver2) Bass Tab
- Day I Left The Womb Tab
- Situtations Tab
- My Apocalypse Tab
- Not Good Enough For Truth Or Cliche Tab
- Guillotine Tab
- Theres No Sympathy For The Dead Tab
- Situations Tab
- Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche (ver2) Tab
- My Apocalypse Live Tab
- Not Good Enough For The Truth In Cliche Tab
- You Are So Beautiful Chords
- Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche (ver4) Tab
- Cellar Door Tab
- My Apocalypse Solo Tab
- Friends And Alibis Tab
- Cellar Door Bass Tab
- Guillotine (ver2) Tab
- Situations Solo Tab
- Ransom Tab
- Issues Tab
- Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche (ver5) Tab
- Not Good Enough For The Truth Or Cliche Bass Tab
- Cellar Door (ver2) Bass Tab
- Webs We Weave Tab
- Situations Bass Tab
- Guillotine (ver3) Tab
- Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche (ver3) Tab
- As Youre Falling Down Tab
- When I Go Out I Want To Go Out On A Chariot Of Fire Tab
- Ransom Intro Tab
- Guillotine Intro (ver2) Tab
- Friends And Alibis Bass Tab
- As Youre Falling Down Bass Tab
- Not Good Enough For Truth Or Cliche Bass Tab
- Webs We Weave (ver2) Tab
- My Apocalypse (ver2) Tab
- Theres No Sympathy For The Dead Solo Tab
- Dragging Dead Bodies In Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills Tab
- Guillotine Solo Tab
- Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche Tab
- Not Good Enough For Truth In Cliche Bass Tab
- Situations Solo (ver2) Tab
- Theres No Sympathy For The Dead Intro Tab