Stand Or Fall Chords - Fixx


G#  |  A

Then A ---------------|
     E ----0-0-2------|

Repeat above 3x then

G#  |  A

A --------------------|
E --0-0-2---0-0-2-----|


G#  A   G#  A
    Crying parents tell their children
    If you survive don't do as we did
    A son exclaims there'll be nothing to do to
    Her daughter says she'll be dead with you
    While foreign affairs are screwing us rotten
    Line morale has hit rock bottom
    Dying embers stand forgotten
    Talks of peace were being trodden

A EF#7
Stand or fall state your peace tonight
Stand or fall state your peace tonight

Is this the value of our existence
Should we proclaim with such persistence
Our destiny relies on conscience
Red or blue what's the difference

Stand or fall state your peace tonight
Stand or fall state your peace tonight

An empty face reflects extinction
Ugly scars divide the nation
Desecrate the population
There will be no exaltation

(This line is all F#7)
Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre

Stand or fall state your peace tonight
Stand or fall state your peace tonight

Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre
Its the euro theatre

Listen to the song to get the rhythm right.

Note that when The Fixx plays this, the G#-A progression is played like this:


However, if you're like me, that progression has a tendency to make your hand cramp up, 
I play it like this:


Also, the little lick after that is relatively easy, so during the song you can play:
