Fleetwood Mac
Stiluri: Blues
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Stiri cu Fleetwood Mac
Peter Green, cofondatorul Fleetwood Mac, a murit la 73 de ani!
Cofondatorul Fleetwood Mac, Peter Green, a murit la varsta de 73 de ani. Familia sa a confirmat vestea. Artistul a murit in somn. "It is with great sadness that the family of Peter Green announce his death this weekend, peacefully in his sleep". La inceputul anului, Green pornise un proiect...
John McVie (Fleetwood Mac) a fost diagnosticat cu cancer
John McVie, basistul formatiei Fleetwood Mac, in varsta de 67 de ani, a fost diagnosticat cu cancer, motiv pentru care grupul britanic s-a vazut nevoit sa anuleze toate cele 14 concerte din turneul programat in aceasta perioada in Australia si Noua Zeelanda, intrucat McVie trebuie supus de urgenta tratamentului. ...
De ce nu se mai intoarce Christine McVie in Fleetwood Mac
Imediat dupa ce au confirmat turneul pentru 2013 si lipsa Christinei McVie, Fleetwood Mac au fost asaltati cu intrebari de la fani. Fosta sotie a lui John McVie,Christine a plecat din trupa inca din 1998 si si-a inceput cariera solo in 2004.In tot acest timp s-a mai urcat pe scena alaturi de Fleetwood Mac de doua...
Fleetwood Mac au confirmat turneul pentru 2013
Un alt nume mare a confirmat un turneu in America de Nord pentru anul 2013. Acesta se vrea a fi doar inceputul unui turneu mondial, spun ei, turneu in cadrul caruia vor ajunge si in Europa. "If everything goes will we''ll be in Europe doing festivals this summer." spune Stevie Nicks. La acesta vor...
Fleetwood Mac se reunesc in 2013
Stevie Nicks a confirmat o reuniune Fleetwood Mac in 2013. 'Am intrat in sala de repetitii undeva in luna februarie. Daca totul merge conform planului atunci vom fi in turneu in aprilie-mai. Cred.' Stevie crede ca Mac ar putea inregistra si cateva piese noi. 'Poate doua piese, patru piese...cine stie?...
Muzica Fleetwood Mac
Top Versuri Fleetwood Mac
Murrow Turning Over In His Grave
I Wonder Why
Say You Will
Monday Morning
Oh Daddy
Oh Well
Say Goodbye
Red Rover
Bleed To Love Her
Everybody Finds Out
Thrown Down
Coming Home
Running Through The Garden
Something Inside of Me
Steal Your Heart Away
Goodbye Baby
The City
Destiny Rules
Silver Girl
Smile At You
Keep on Going
What's The World Coming To?
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Fleetwood Mac
- Man Of The World Tab
- The Chain Chords
- Go Your Own Way Chords
- Songbird Chords
- Sentimental Lady Chords
- The Chain Tab
- Landslide Chords
- Hypnotized Chords
- Go Your Own Way Bass Tab
- Everywhere Tab
- World Turning Tab
- Gold Dust Woman Chords
- Coming Your Way Tab
- The Chain Solo Bass Tab
- Shake Your Money Maker Tab
- Sara Chords
- The Chain Bass Tab
- Oh Well Tab
- You Make Loving Fun Chords
- Go Your Own Way Tab
- The Chain Live Tab
- Come Intro Tab
- Thrown Down Tab
- Leather And Lace Chords
- Rhiannon Chords
- I Loved Another Woman Tab
- I Loved Another Woman Solo Tab
- Black Magic Woman Chords
- Tusk Chords
- Dust Tab
- Thats All For Everyone Chords
- Storms Chords
- Sunny Side Of Heaven Tab
- Oh Well (ver4) Tab
- Think About Me Chords
- Gypsy Intro Tab
- The Chain Mirage Tour Intro Tab
- Rhiannon Tab
- Warm Ways Tab
- When I See You Again Tab
- Black Magic Woman (ver2) Chords
- Green Manalishi Tab
- Dreams Acoustic Tab
- Say You Love Me Chords
- Gold Dust Woman Tab
- Rhiannon Live Chords
- Empire State Chords
- One Sunny Day Tab
- Green Manalishi Bass Tab
- Jumping At Shadows Chords