Stiluri: Alternative
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Stiri cu Flyleaf
Solista FLYLEAF LACEY STURM va lansa un album solo "Kenotic Metanoia"
Solista FLYLEAF Lacey Sturm isi va lansa cel de-al doilea albumul solo „Kenotic Metanoia”, pe 17 noiembrie 2023. Precomenzile sunt disponibile aici. Noul album ofera o privire profund personala asupra unui sezon matur al carierei de poveste a solistei. "All these songs have been...
Flyleaf: Call You Out (videoclip nou)
Flyleaf au lansat un videoclip nou, "Call You Out", in care trupa nu apare deloc si vedem doar o animatie sumbra cu un urs care ataca o asezare din padure, locuita de iepuri si alte salbaticiuni. Solista Lacey Strum a parasit recent Flyleaf , iar noua componenta a lor, Kristen May ( ex-Vedera), a...
Noua componenta Flyleaf a urcat pentru prima data pe scena (video)
Noua componenta Flyleaf, alaturi de solista Kristen May (ex-Vedera), a debutat pe scena in cadrul unui concert sold out sustinut in Bryan, Texas. O filmare poate fi urmarita mai jos. Solista s-a alaturat formatiei dupa ce Lacey Sturm a decis sa paraseasca grupul, motivand dorinta de a se dedica familiei....
Solista Lacey Sturm paraseste Flyleaf
Solista Lacey Sturm si-a anuntat plecarea din foratia Flyleaf. Vestea vine chiar in preajma lansarii noului album intitulat New Horizons, disponibil pe piata in data de 30 octombrie. Intr-un comunicat oficial, Pat Seals anunta: 'Flyleaf intra intr-un nou capitol. Noi, Flyleaf, am decis sa ne continam...
Flyleaf: New Horizons (videoclip nou)
"New Horizons", noul videoclip semnat de grupul american Flyleaf poate fi urmarit mai jos. Basistul Pat Seals descrie piesa drept "Un sentiment catre un viitor necunoscut plin de speranta. Una din cele mai pozitive piese Flyleaf." Remember To Live , cel mai recent lansat album...
Videoclipuri Flyleaf
Top Versuri Flyleaf
There For You
Much Like Falling
What's This
So I Thought
I'm So Sick
There For You
Breathe Today
Fully Alive
All Around Me
Justice And Mercy
I'm Sorry
All Around Me
Red Sam
I'm So Sick
All Around Me
Arise And Be
So I Thought
Breathe Today
Call You Out
Beautiful Bride
The Kind
Red Sam
Tiny Heart
Fully Alive
I'm Sorry
Bitter Sweet
In The Dark
This Close
Set Apart This Dream
Swept Away
I'm Sorry
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Flyleaf
- Supernatural Chords
- Supernatural Solo Tab
- Cassie (ver2) Chords
- Supernatural Acoustic Tab
- Tiny Heart Chords
- You Are My Joy From The Inside Out Chords
- All Around Me Chords
- Cassie Chords
- There For You Chords
- Broken Wings Solo Tab
- All Around Me Tab
- Perfect Chords
- Circle Tab
- Sorrow Tab
- Red Sam Chords
- Perfect Tab
- Im So Sick Tab
- Breathe Today Chords
- Cassie Tab
- Set Apart This Dream Intro Tab
- Fully Alive (ver6) Tab
- Christmas Song Tab
- Broken Wings Tab
- Again Chords
- There For You (ver2) Tab
- There For You Tab
- Much Like Falling Bass Tab
- Broken Wings (ver2) Tab
- Cassie Bass Tab
- Breath Today Chords
- Much Like Falling Intro Tab
- Believe In Dreams Chords
- Fully Alive Tab
- Circle Chords
- Red Sam Tab
- Amy Says Chords
- Cassie (ver2) Tab
- Again Intro Tab
- Perfect (ver2) Tab
- Cassie (ver4) Bass Tab
- Ocean Waves Tab
- Fully Alive (ver2) Bass Tab
- Fully Alive (ver4) Tab
- All Around Me Bass Tab
- All Around Me (ver2) Bass Tab
- There For You Intro Tab
- Perfect Intro (ver2) Tab
- Life Tab
- Sorrow Bass Tab
- Im Sorry Tab