Solista FLYLEAF LACEY STURM va lansa un album solo "Kenotic Metanoia"

de Cristi Nedelcu

Solista FLYLEAF LACEY STURM va lansa un album solo

Solista Flyleaf Lacey Sturm isi va lansa cel de-al doilea albumul solo „Kenotic Metanoia”, pe 17 noiembrie 2023. Precomenzile sunt disponibile aici.

Noul album ofera o privire profund personala asupra unui sezon matur al carierei de poveste a solistei.

"All these songs have been for my own heart," a declarat Lacey. "When David sings the Psalms, a lot of the time he's telling his soul what to do. That's me too in this: telling my soul, singing what I know to be true."

„Kenotic Metanoia” este definit de tonurile vocale arzatoare distinctive ale lui Lacey Sturm, imbinate perfect cu riff-urile de chitara ale sotului sau Josh Sturm.

„Kenotic Metanoia” va fi disponibil pe toate platformele importante de streaming si in format fizic.

Lista de piese „Kenotic Metanoia”:

01. Intro (My Heartbeat) (2:17)
02. State Of Me (3:14)
03. Are You Listening (4:07)
04. The Decree (4:14)
05. Terrible Mistake (5:44)
06. Wonderful (4:42)
07. A Man Needs A Maid (4:12)
08. Thief (3:12)
09. Not Your Fight (3:39)
10. Awaken Love (4:27)
11. Reconcile (3:55)
12. (I Died) (3:56)
13. Breathe With Me (feat. Lindsey Stirling) (4:57)
14. End The Wars (3:36)
15. Outro (My Heartbeat) (1:11)

FLYLEAF a sustinut primul sau concert cu Sturm in ultimii 11 ani pe 27 aprilie la Schoepf's BBQ din Belton, Texas.

FLYLEAF, care nu a cantat live din 2016 inainte de concertul de la Belton, si-a facut ultima aparitie in acest an la Blue Ridge Rock Festival, in septembrie, in Alton, Virginia.

Sturm a parasit FLYLEAF in octombrie 2012. Ea a fost inlocuita de Kristen May, care a inregistrat un album cu grupul, „Between The Stars” din 2014, inainte de a parasi formatia.

Intr-un interviu acordat postului de radio Ned of Iowa Rock 108 la festivalul Upheaval din iulie trecut din Grand Rapids, Michigan, Lacey a vorbit despre cum a ajuns sa se reintalneasca cu FLYLEAF pentru primele lor spectacole live impreuna dupa mai bine de un deceniu. Ea a spus: "Well, actually, my assistant that was on tour with us from the very beginning of FLYLEAF; we were called PASSERBY at that time. We were touring in an '88 Ford Club Wagon van, and we had a bunch of gear in the back with a mattress on top, and you could climb in there and sleep. She actually came on tour with us to be a stylist or a merch person — whatever we needed. She was with us from the beginning. So she got married. And we hadn't seen each other in, like, ten years, nine years, and so we all ended up at the wedding together. And that's how it started."

Sturm a continuat spunand ca reuniunea ei cu FLYLEAF s-a realizat intr-un mod natural decat in cazul altor reuniuni de trupe din ultimii ani. "I think it had to be that way". Artista a mai adaugat: "There were some offers for us to get back together, to do reunion shows, but we hadn't seen each other, and everybody has different lives, lots of children. So it didn't really make sense in those times, but because we were already connecting, we figured it out."

La mai multe spectacole anul trecut, Sturm s-a alaturat lui SEETHER pe scena pentru a interpreta piesa FLYLEAF „I'm So Sick”.

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