Funeral For A Friend
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Stiri cu Funeral For A Friend
Funeral For A Friend - Nails (videoclip nou)
Funeral For A Friend au lansat un videoclip nou, cel al piesei "Nails", disponibil mai jos. Aceasta este cea de-a treia piesa de pe noul album pentru care trupa a publicat un videoclip. " Conduit " a fost lansat pe 28 ianuarie prin Distiller Records. Primele doua piese promovate de pe...
Funeral For A Friend: Preview pentru noul album (audio)
Funeral For A Friend au publicat un preview pentru noul album, "Conduit", cu mostre din toate piesele incluse pe acesta, pe care il puteti asculta mai jos. Noul material al trupei americane va fi disponibil incepand cu 28 ianuarie. Funeral For A Friend au lansat un videoclip oficial pentru cel...
Funeral For A Friend: The Distance (videoclip nou)
Funeral For A Friend au lansat un videoclip oficial pentru cel mai nou single al lor, "The Distance", pe care il puteti urmari mai jos. Piesa va fi lansata oficial pe 11 februarie prin Distiller Records. "The Distance" este inclus pe cel mai nou album al trupei americane,...
Funeral For A Friend: Best Friends and Hospital Beds (videoclip nou)
Funeral For A Friend au lansat pe 10 octombrie videoclipul primului single de pe noul disc, "Best Friends And Hospital Beds", pe care il puteti urmari mai jos. Piesa pastreaza eticheta trupei si face ca noul disc sa sune promitator. Funeral For A Friend au anuntat la inceputul lunii octombrie ca au...
Funeral For A Friend anunta lansearea noului album
Funeral For A Friend au anuntat ca au incheiat lucrul la noul lor album, urmasul lui "Welcome Home Armageddon". Noul material se numeste "Conduit" si va fi lansat pe 28 ianuarie prin Distiller Records. Trupa a anuntat ca pe 10 octombrie va fi lansat si videoclipul primului single de pe noul...
Videoclipuri Funeral For A Friend
Top Versuri Funeral For A Friend
Best Friends and Hospital Beds
No Honour Among Thieves
Broken Foundation
The Distance
Front Row Seats To The End Of The World
Captains Of Industry
Built To Last
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Funeral For A Friend
- Owls tab
- Juneau Acoustic Chords
- Walk Away Chords
- History Chords
- Constant Illuminations Tab
- You Cant See The Forest For The Wolves Tab
- One For The Road Chords
- Diary Chords
- Sunday Bloody Sunday Tab
- Your Revolution Is A Joke (ver3) Tab
- Roses For The Dead Chords
- Streetcar Tab
- Walk Away Tab
- To Die Like Mouchette Tab
- Your Revolution Is A Joke Tab
- You Want Romance Tab
- She Drove Me To Daytime Television (ver2) Tab
- You Want Romance Bass Tab
- Storytelling Intro Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak Tab
- Roses For The Dead Intro Tab
- History (ver2) Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak Intro (ver2) Tab
- Sonny Chords
- Waking Up (ver3) Tab
- This Letter (ver3) Tab
- Your Revolution Is A Joke (ver2) Tab
- Walk Away Bass Tab
- Walk Away (ver2) Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak (ver2) Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak (ver3) Bass Tab
- Waking Up Tab
- Recovery Tab
- She Drove Me To Daytime Television Bass Tab
- Waking Up (ver2) Tab
- This Letter (ver2) Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak Intro Tab
- Juneau Acoustic Tab
- Juneau (ver3) Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak (ver2) Bass Tab
- Waking Up Bass Tab
- The Getaway Plan Tab
- This Letter Tab
- Lazarus In The Wilderness Intro Tab
- Recovery (ver2) Tab
- Roses For The Dead Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak (ver3) Tab
- Roses For The Dead (ver4) Tab
- The Art Of American Football Bass Tab
- This Years Most Open Heartbreak Bass Tab