History (ver4) Tab - Funeral For A Friend

     History - Funeral for a Friend

Tabbed by: Jon Horton ( jon.deftones @ gmail.com )

Tuning: Standard FFAF, dropped d then 1 step down
Awesomenss: Much

Bit af a tune, you should find it easy enough to know what goes where....!
I don't know if Kris or Darren plays which bit so they're now guitar 1 + 2 !

Intro / Outro: G1 Work strum pattern for yourself, G2 doesn't play

Verse pt1 and Chorus: G1

Verse pt 1 and Chorus: G2
     this x3        then this x1

Verse pt2: G1 strums "To see a friend bleed to death..."

Verse pt2: G2
   x2      then x2

Middle: G1 "It's all mine etc" Strum each segment

| /  slide up
|   slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  vibrato
| +  harmonic
| x  Mute note