Grateful Dead
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Stiri cu Grateful Dead
Ce s-a intamplat pe 2 octombrie in istoria muzicii?
1967 - Toti cei sase componenti ai grupului Grateful Dead sunt arestati pentru posesie de marihuana. Tot astazi: 1959 - 15 fani ai lui Elvis sunt arestati dupa ce marsaluiesc pe starzile din Leipzig scandand Long Live Elvis Presley, si facand remarci jignitoare referitoare la muzica din Germania. 1965 -...
Bob Weir: MP3-urile sunt un asalt asupra sistemului nervos (video)
Majoritatea dintre voi il cunosct pe Bob Weir drept chitaristul, solistul si compozitorul formatiei Grateful Dead. Insa Weir este fondatorul Tamalpais Research Institute (TRI) un studio de ultima generatie ce ofera muzicienilor sansa de a-si distribui munca intr-un format digital high-end. In cadrul unui...
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Grateful Dead
- Me And Bobby Mcgee Chords
- Stella Blue Chords
- Panama Red Chords
- Althea Solo Tab
- Peggy-o Chords
- Not Fade Away Chords
- Mexicali Blues Chords
- Cold Jordan Chords
- Althea Chords
- Reckoning Tab
- Friend Of The Devil Tab
- Hell In A Bucket Tab
- Keep Your Day Job Chords
- Bertha Chords
- Truckin Chords
- Touch Of Grey Bass Tab
- Tennessee Jed Chords
- Weather Report Suite Intro Tab
- Victim Or The Crime Chords
- Good Lovin Tab
- Tennessee Jed Tab
- Rubin And Cherise Chords
- Ramble On Rose Chords
- Touch Of Gray Chords
- Casey Jones Chords
- Wharf Rat Chords
- Black Throated Wind Chords
- Dire Wolf Chords
- New Speedway Boogie (ver2) Chords
- Deep Ellum Blues Tab
- Promised Land Intro Tab
- West La Fadeaway Tab
- Uncle Johns Band (ver2) Chords
- Friend Of The Devil (ver4) Tab
- Touch Of Grey Chords
- China Cat Sunflower (ver2) Tab
- Deep Elem Blues Chords
- Unbroken Chain Chords
- Comes A Time Chords
- Cc Rider Chords
- Ripple Acoustic Intro Tab
- Might As Well Chords
- Terrapin Station Tab
- Ripple Chords
- Touch Of Grey Solo Tab
- Love Each Other Tab
- Shakedown Street Bass Tab
- Sugaree (ver2) Chords
- China Cat Sunflower Bass Tab
- Cosmic Charlie Tab