Stiluri: Gothic
Biografie HIM
H.I.M. s-au format in Finlanda in anul 1995, la inceput ca o trupa live care canta coveruri ale diferitilor artisti, printre care Kiss, Type O Negative, Danzig, Black Sabbath si Depeche Mode. S-au intitulat pentru un timp His Infernal Majesty , renuntand la aceasta denumire dupa ce au fost acuzati de satanism. Demo-ul "Witches and Other Night Fears" este cunoscut ca primul material inregistrat al formatiei, chiar daca nu a fost niciodata lansat pe piata. Trupa debuteaza cu EP-ul "666 Ways to Love: Prologue" in 1996, urmat de "Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666", primul full-length H.I.M., pe care se gaseste si coverul piesei lui Chris Isaak , "Wicked Game". Albumul o are ca invitata pe solista Sanna-June Hyde , a carei voce poate fi auzita in piesele "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" si "For You". Albumul care ii face cunoscuti si in afara Finlandei este "Razorblade Romance", aparut in 1999, in special datorita single-ului devenit rapid un hit goth rock "Join Me (In......Toata biografia HIM
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nightwish
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Ville Valo
Stiri cu HIM
Ville Valo a discutat despre noua sa cariera solo, turneul Neon Noir si reintoarcerea in Romania cu Alexandra Furnea de la METALHEAD
VV se intoarce in Romania pe 8 aprilie 2024 la Sala Palatului, Bucuresti. Biletele se regasesc in reteaua IaBilet.ro si online aici. Dupa prezenta la Metalhead Meeting 2023, pe 8 aprilie Ville revine la Bucuresti, la Sala Palatului, cu un repertoriu plin de piese H.I.M. Invitati sunt trupa ZETRA din...
VILLE VALO a discutat despre posibilitatea unei reuniunii HIM
VILLE VALO a discutat despre posibilitatea unei reuniunii HIM declarand: "Maybe one day, but it would have to be for a good reason". HIM, trupa finlandeza de goth metal care a cucerit o intreaga generatie cu imnuri precum „Wicked Game” si „The Funeral of Hearts”, nu...
HIM pregatesc turneul de adio
Dupa 26 de ani de cariera, membrii trupei HIM au decis sa puna punct proiectului care i-a facut cunoscuti la nivel international cu un turneu de adio ce se incheia la finele acestui an. Finlandezii au publicat pe facebook urmatorul comunicat: "After quarter of a century of Love and Metal intertwined we...
Ville Valo si Mark Gemini Thwaite interpreteaza "Knowing Me Knowing You"
Ville Valo (HIM) si Mark Gemini Thwaite (The Mission) revin in atentia fanilor cu un cover pentru piesa "Knowing Me Knowing You" a renumitului grup ABBA. "Knowing Me Knowing You" este una dintre melodiile pe care le vom putea asculta pe primul album solo al chitaristului Mark Gemini...
Reintalnirea cu Him: Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights (cronica de concert) + foto
Prietenul nostru Alin Pildner a fost la HIM si a scris cateva cuvinte despre concert pe care le puteti citi mai jos. De asemenea, pozele de la concertul sustinut de formatia HIM in Timisoara pot fi gasite pe METALHEAD accesand link-ul de mai jos. Poze de la concertul HIM din Timisoara...
Videoclipuri HIM
- The Funeral of Hearts
- 04. Right Here in My Arms
- 05. Gone With the Sin
- 02. Wicked Game
- 02. Wings of a Butterfly
- Kiss of Dawn
- HIM - Join Me In Death
- HIM - Wings of a butterfly
- HIM - Wicked Game
- HIM - Gone With The Sin
- HIM feat. The Rasmus - Apocalyptica bittersweet
- HIM - Killing Lonelyness
- HIM - The Funeral Of Hearts
- HIM - In Joy And Sorrow
- HIM - Bleed Well
- HIM - Buried Alive By Love
- HIM - Right Here in my Arms
- HIM - When Love And Death Embrace (Long Version)
- HIM - Kiss Of Dawn
- HIM - The Sacrament
Muzica HIM
Top Versuri HIM
Like St. Valentine
In Joy And Sorrow
Right Here In My Arms
Join Me In Death
Solitary Man
Wicked Game
Love, the Hardest Way
For You
Ville Talking
Razorblade Kiss
Gone With The Sin
Disarm Me (With Your Loneliness)
Heartache Every Moment
And Love Said No
Scared to Death
Please Don't Let It Go
Venus Doom
Your Sweet Six Six Six
The Funeral Of Hearts
Wicked Game
Vampire Heart
The Funeral of Hearts
Poison Girl
Kiss Of Dawn
You Are The One
Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly
Ode to Solitude
Acoustic Funeral (For Love in Limbo)
I Love You (Prelude To Tragedy)
Katherine Wheel
Killing Loneliness
Dying Song
Love You Like I Do
Sleepwalking Past Hope
Poison Girl
Join Me
Love In Cold Blood
Close To The Flame
In the Arms of Rain
Gone With The Sin
Stigmata Diaboli
Heaven Tonight
The Path
Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart
Loose You Tonight
In Venere Veritas
Bleed Well
The Heartless
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords HIM
- Wicked Game Chords
- The Sacrament Acoustic (ver2) Tab
- The Funeral Of Hearts Chords
- In Joy And Sorrow Tab
- Killing Loneliness Chords
- Sweet Pandemonium Chords
- The Sacrament Acoustic Tab
- Wicked Game Tab
- Funeral Of Hearts Acoustic Chords
- Join Me Tab
- Disarm Me With Your Loneliness ver2 Chords
- The Path (ver2) Tab
- Funeral Of Hearts (ver2) Tab
- Gone With The Sin Bass Tab
- Vampire Heart Acoustic Chords
- And Love Said No Chords
- Join Me Chords
- The Sacrament Acoustic (ver3) Tab
- Rip Out The Wings Of A Butterfly Chords
- Pretending Acoustic Chords
- The Funeral Of Hearts (ver3) Chords
- When Love And Death Embrace Tab
- Wings Of A Butterfly Tab
- The Sacrement Chords
- The Sacrament Chords
- Buried Alive By Love Chords
- Your Sweet Six Six Six Chords
- In Joy And Sorrow Chords
- Endless Dark Chords
- Pretending Chords
- You Are The One Chords
- Song Or Suicide Tab
- Wicked Game Solo Tab
- Beyond Redemption Chords
- Gone With The Sin Chords
- Wicked Game Bass Tab
- Right Here In My Arms Chords
- Under The Rose Acoustic Chords
- Vampire Heart Chords
- Vampire Heart Tab
- For You Chords
- Bleed Well Acoustic Chords
- In Joy And Sorrow Acoustic Chords
- Venus In Our Blood Chords
- Wings Of A Butterfly Intro Tab
- The Funeral Of Hearts Tab
- Solitary Man Tab
- Gone With The Sin Live Tab
- Wicked Game (ver5) Tab
- Poison Girl Chords