The Hives vor lansa in curand albumul "Lex Hives", al caruit tracklist l-au publicat recent.
Acesta este primul lor LP de la "Black And White Hives" (2007) incoace. Primul single promovat de pe noul material este "Go Right Ahead".
Solistul Howlin' Pelle Almqvist a declarat ca, desi directia muzicala a trupei s-a indepartat de cea initiala, "inca suna ca The Hives".
Tracklist 'Lex Hives':
'Come On!'
'Go Right Ahead'
'1000 Answers'
'I Want More'
'Wait a Minute'
'Patrolling Days'
'Take Back The Toys'
'Without The Money'
'These Spectacles Reveal The Nostalgics'
'My Time Is Coming'
'If I Had A Cent'
'Midnight Shifter'
'High School Shuffle'*
*Digital Bonus Track
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