Vezi noul videoclip The Hives, Go Right Ahead

de Chaos Lore

Vezi noul videoclip The Hives, Go Right Ahead

The Hives au publicat recent videoclipul primului single de pe noul album, pe care il puteti urmari mai jos.

Single-ul "Go Right Ahead" apartine albumului "Lex Hives", disponibil pe piata incepand cu 5 iunie sub Disques Hives.

Tracklist 'Lex Hives':

'Come On!'
'Go Right Ahead'
'1000 Answers'
'I Want More'
'Wait a Minute'
'Patrolling Days'
'Take Back The Toys'
'Without The Money'
'These Spectacles Reveal The Nostalgics'
'My Time Is Coming'
'If I Had A Cent'
'Midnight Shifter'
'High School Shuffle'*

*Digital Bonus Track

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