Izzy Stradlin
Stiluri: Hard Rock
Artisti cu stiluri similare: AC/DC
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Bon Jovi
Deep Purple
Led Zeppelin
Stiri cu Izzy Stradlin
Chitsristul Izzy Stradlin implineste astazi 49 de ani
Izzy Stradlin (pe numele sau adevarat Jeffrey Dean Isbell) s-a nascut la data de 8 aprilie 1962 in oraselul Lafayette, Indiana (USA) intr-o familie cu sanatoase radacini englezesti, frantuzesti si scotiene. Aici a absolvit colegiul Purdue University. Dragostea pentru muzica i-a fost insuflata de bunica lui, care in...
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Izzy Stradlin
- Up Jumped The Devil Chords
- Far Below Me Now Chords
- Gotta Say Chords
- Somebody Knockin Chords
- Shuffle It All Chords
- Sweet Caress Tab
- Pressure Drop Chords
- Take A Look At The Guy Chords
- Aint It A Bitch Chords
- What I Told You Chords
- Shall Walk Chords
- Bucket O Trouble Chords
- Hometown Chords
- Here Before You Chords
- Chop Away Chords
- Head On Out Chords
- Surf Roach Tab
- Needles Chords
- Methanol Chords
- How Will It Go Chords
- Feelin Alright Chords
- California Chords
- Memphis Chords
- Good Enough (ver2) Chords
- Groper Chords
- Here Comes The Rain Chords
- Good Enough Chords
- Train Tracks Chords
- Primitive Man Chords
- Spazed Tab
- Highway Zero Chords
- Time Gone By Chords
- Gotta Say Tab
- Cuttin The Rug Chords
- Hammerhead Tab
- Seems To Me Chords
- Drove Tab