C U Next Tuesday Intro Tab - Jfk

C U Next Tuesday-Jayeffkay
Written by Lach/Parsons
Album:Somethin' Else 2002
This buggers copyrighted,so go on...steal it..i need some money and a laugh!!


Verse 1:Stick me in a hang man's noose,
        Cut me free so I cant swing loose
        The thought of it just seemed to slip away
        But I'll See You Next Tuesday

Verse 2:Livin in all of lifes out takes,
        Livin in all of lifes, mistakes
       The thought of it just seemed to slip away
        But I'll See You Next Tuesday

Chorus:Long View,short sight,I'll See You Next Tuesday
       Short day,just a few,But I'll See You Next Tuesday
       Long View,short sight,I'll See You Next Tuesday
       Short day,just a few,But I'll See You Next Tuesday  

Verse 3:Suck me through the eye, of a straw
        Thought i had enough but now im back for more
        The thought of it just seemed to slip away
        But I'll See You Next Tuesday

Chorus:Long View,short sight,I'll See You Next Tuesday
       Short day,just a few,But I'll See You Next Tuesday
       Long View,short sight,I'll See You Next Tuesday
       Short day,just a few,But I'll See You Next Tuesday  

Guitar solo:

Verse 4:And im dancing naked down the street
        Im trying hard to,make ends meet
        And theres thoughts all swirling round my head.