Job for a Cowboy este o trupa de deathcore, formata in Arizona. Dupa un demo lansat in 2004, formatia a lansat EP-ul de debut intitulat Doom , material ce s-a bucurat de critici foarte bune. Dupa ce au obtinut un contract cu Metal Blade Records, Andrew Arcurio a fost concediat datorita lipsei de interes. Acesta a fost inlocuit de Bobby Thompson. Elliot Sellers a parasit grupul dupa inregistrarea albumului Genesis , fiind inlocuit de Jon Rice. Genesis a fost lansat pe 15 mai, 2007. In iunie 2007, trupa a participat la Download 07 Festival. In iulie au cantat in cadrul turneului Sounds of the Underground 2007, alaturi de Chimaira, Shadows Fall, GWAR, Amon Amarth si Every Time I Die. Stil: deathcore/death metal Componenta: Johnny Davy - voce Ravi Bihadriraju - chitara Bret Riggs - bas/voce Bobby Thompson - chitara Jon Rice - tobe Discografie: Job for a Cowboy (2004) Doom (2005) Genesis (2007) JOB FOR A COWBOY ...Toata biografia JOB FOR A COWBOY
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Job For A Cowboy: Asculta Sun Eater, in intregime, online (audio)
"Sun Eater", cel de-al patrulea album al metalistilor din Arizona a fost pus la dispozitia fanilor, prin streaming. Cu toate ca puteti asculta albumul, in intregime, mai jos, nu uitati niciodata ca suportul ascultatorilor este extrem de important pentru fiecare trupa, asa ca, daca va place...
"The Celestial Antidote", noua solutie Job For A Cowboy (audio)
"The Celestial Antidote" este o noua piesa preluata de pe "Sun Eater", cel mai recent disc semnat de metalistii de la Job For A Cowboy. Avand programata lansarea oficiala pe 11 noiembrie, sub egida Metal Blade Records, "Sun Eater" a fost produs de...
Job For A Cowboy: "Eating the Visions of God", o noua piesa de pe "Sun Eater" (audio)
"Eating the Visions of God", noua piesa a death-metalistilor de la Job For a Cowboy este preluata de pe "Sun Eater", album care urmeaza a fi lansat pe 11 noiembrie 2014, sub egida Metal Blade. Producatorul Jason Suecof, vocalistul Jonny Davy, chitaristii Al Glassman...
Job For a Cowboy au un nou album: "Sun Eater"
"Sun of Nihility" anunta un nou disc Job For a Cowboy interesant, piesa putand fi ascultata mai jos. "Sun Eater", cel de-al patrulea album al trupei, are lansarea stabilita in noiembrie 2014, muzicienii americani declarand ca lucrul pentru acest disc a...
Job For A Cowboy: Interviu in Irlanda (video)
Neuweltmusic a realizat un interviu cu grupul american Job For A Cowboy, cu ocazia concertului sustinut in data de 22 septembrie in Dublin, Irlanda. Conversatia poate fi urmarita mai jos. Formatia a lansat in data de 10 aprilie un nou album intitulat Demonocracy. Albumul este produs de Jason Seucof (The...
Videoclipuri JOB FOR A COWBOY
Unfurling a Darkened Gospel
Reduced To Mere Filth
Upheaval To Heaven
Entombment Of A Machine
Altered From Catechization
Strings Of Hypocrisy
Martyrdom Unsealed
Butchering The Enlightened
Catharsis For The Buried
Coalescing Prophecy
Suspended By The Throat
Bearing The Serpent's Lamb
The Divine Falsehood
Constitutional Masturbation
The Rising Tide
Knee Deep
Suspended By The Throat
The Rising Tide
Summon The Hounds
March To Global Enslavement
Regurgitated Disinformation
Psychological Immorality
Lords Of Chaos
To Detonate And Exterminate
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords JOB FOR A COWBOY
- Day In Black (ver2) Tab
- Entombment For A Machine Tab
- What We Once Called Home Tab
- What We Once Called Home (ver2) Tab
- Relinquished Bass Tab
- Knee Deep Tab
- Divine Falsehood Tab
- Rising Tide Bass Tab
- Entombment Of Machine Tab
- The Rising Tide Tab
- Embedded Chorus Tab
- Day In Black Tab
- Bearing The Serpents Lamb Tab
- Knee Deep (ver4) Tab
- Entombment Of A Machine (ver2) Bass Tab
- Suspended By The Throat Tab
- Suspended By The Throat (ver2) Bass Tab
- Suspended By The Throat Bass Tab
- Entombment Of A Machine Tab
- Relinquished Tab
- Martyrdom Unsealed Tab
- Day In Black (ver3) Tab
- Knee Deep (ver3) Tab
- Entities Solo Tab
- Entombment Of A Machine (ver2) Tab
- Entombment Of A Machine Bass Tab
- Rising Tide Intro Tab
- Knee Deep (ver2) Tab
- Entities Solo (ver2) Tab
- Dead Stale Endings Tab
- Reduced To Mere Filth Tab
- Unfurling A Darkened Gospel Solo Tab
- Altered From Catechization Solo Tab
- Suspended By The Throat ver3 Tab
- Bearing The Serpents Lamb ver3 Tab