Lost Dogs (album) Tab - John Prine

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #

From: booker@elvice.ib.stortek.com (Sam Booker)
Subject: PRO:album_lost_dogs_mixed_blessings by john prine
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 13:24:14 -0700 (MST)

# For best printing results use -2 option with the chord program
# ex. chord -2 album_lost_dogs_and_mixed_blessings.chordpro
#       > album_lost_dogs_and_mixed_blessings.ps
# This will print two logical pages per physical page.
# The chord program can be found at:
# olga sites /resources/misc/chord
#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.

{t:"Lost Dogs And Mixed Blessings" Album}
{t:John Prine}
{ci: 1. NEW TRAIN}
{ci: 5. LAKE MARIE}
{ci: 7. DAY IS DONE}
{ci: 9. BIG FAT LOVE}

{ci: Oh Boy Records, 1995}
# Chords and enhancements by Sam Booker (booker@elvice.stortek.com)
# Initial Chords:
#  "New Train" by pac@netcom.com (Paul Clanon)
#  "This Love is Real" and "Day is Done"
#    by klein@convex.com (Dave Klein)
{t:New Train}
{st:(John Prine)}
[D]      [A]     [E]      [A]
[A]Full blown silence in an e[D]mpty room
A former bride and a fo[A]rmer groom
A folding table and a fo[E]lding chair
A folded hand of p[A]oker there
All new directions must go e[D]verywhere
Big round people in a c[A]ool little square
You can't cut it with a b[E]oat or a plane
Man, it's gonna take a n[D]ew t[A]rain

[A]('Cause) You'll be leaving on a n[D]ew train
Far away from this w[A]orld of pain
And when you look out your wi[E]ndow you'll see
Your home, your baby, and your fa[A]mily
No melted ice cubes in a pa[D]per cup
Hell, you'll be happy, you'll be a[A]ll shook up
The friends that greet you will be s[E]imple and plain
When you step down from that n[D]ew tr[A]ain

[D]      [A]       [E]       [A]
[D]      [A]       [E]       [A]
[A]Collected volumes of hi[D]story say
Man makes mistakes most ev[A]ery day
The half a pound of ch[E]opped ground round
Is still a burger when it g[A]oes downtown
No faded photographs of yes[D]terdays
Are in the books that I r[A]ead these days
To fly away from that me[E]mory town
You must keep both your f[A]eet on the ground

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

[D]      [A]       [E]       [A]
[A]I'll be leaving on a n[D]ew train
Far away from this wo[A]rld of pain
The friends that greet me will be si[E]mple and plain
When I step down from that n[D]ew t[A]rain
N[D]ew tr[A]ain
N[D]ew tr[A]ain

{t:Ain't Hurtin' Nobody}
{st:(John Prine)}
[C]I'm walkin' down the street
Like Lucky Larue
G[F]ot my hand in my pocket
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I ain't [C]hurtin' nobody [G]
I ain't hurtin' no [C]one

Th[C]ere's three hundred men
In the state of Tennessee
[F]They're waiting to die
They won't never be free
I ain't hu[C]rtin' nobody
I ain't hurtin' no o[C]ne

S[G]ix million seven hundred thousand
And thirty-three li[F]ghts [C]on
[G]You think someone could take the time
To sit down and listen to the words of [F]my s[C]ong

[C]At the beach in Indiana
I was nine years old
[F]Heard Little Richard singing "Tutti Frutti"
>From the top of a telephone pole
I wasn't hu[C]rtin' nobody
I wasn't hurtin' no o[C]ne

T[C]here's roosters laying chickens
And chickens layin' eggs
[F]Farm machinery eating
People's arms and legs
I ain't hu[C]rtin' nobody
I ain't hurtin' no o[C]ne

[G]Perfectly crafted popular hit songs never use
The wr[F]ong rh[C]yme
Y[G]ou'd think that waitress could get my order
Right the f[F]irst t[C]ime

 [C]       [F]      [C]      [G]       [C]
S[C]he's sitting on the back steps
Just shucking that corn
[F]That gal's been grinning
Since the day she was born
She ain't hu[C]rtin' nobody
She ain't hurtin' no o[C]ne

[C]I used to live in Chicago
Where the cold wind blows
[F]I delivered more junk mail
Than the junkyard would hold
I wasn't hu[C]rtin' nobody
I wasn't hurtin' no o[C]ne

[G]You can fool some of the people part of the time
In a rock and r[F]oll s[C]ong
[G]Fifty million Elvis Presley Fans
Can't be [F]all wr[C]ong

[C]I'm walkin' down the street
Like Lucky Larue
[F]Got my hand in my pocket, Baby
I'm thinkin' 'bout you
I ain't hu[C]rtin' nobody
I ain't hurtin' no o[C]ne
I ain't hu[C]rtin' nobody[G]
I ain't hurtin' no o[C]ne
[C]      [F]      Hu[C]rtin' nobody [G]
Hurtin' no o[C]ne
[C]      [F]      Hu[C]rtin' nobody [G]
Hurtin' no o[C]ne
[C]      [F]      Hu[C]rtin' nobody [G]
Hurtin' no o[C]ne

{t:All The Way With You}
{st:(John Prine/Gary Nicholson)}
{ci:Intro - recorded in key of Bb - capo on 1:}
[A]      [F#m]        [D]        [E]        [A]
[A]Love Gives.  [F#m]Love Takes.
It t[D]akes a lot of lu[A]cky breaks
L[A]ucky Strikes. [F#m]Lucky stars
I d[D]on't know how I g[A]ot this far
W[D]ho knows where it's [E]coming from
Or w[A]here it's going [D]to
Can I go a[E]ll the way with y[A]ou?

Y[A]ou have your way. Y[F#m]ou have your doubts
The [D]falling in.  The f[A]alling out.
A b[A]ridge is built.  A br[F#m]idge is burned.
Till you r[D]each the point of n[A]o return
D[D]on't know where we're c[E]oming from
Or w[A]here we're going [D]to
Can I go [E]all the way with y[A]ou?

H[E]eaven knows that this ain't n[D]othing [A]new
G[E]od knows how much [D]I l[A]ove you

L[A]ove comes. L[F#m]ove goes.
[D]Can I go a[E]ll the way with y[A]ou?
C[D]an I go [E](tacet) all the way with y[A]ou?

[A]      [F#m]      [D]      [E]      [A]
{t:We Are The Lonely}
{st:(John Prine/Gary Nicholson)}
[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]        [C]        [C7]
D[G]own the hall upstairs from from me[C]  [C7]
There's [G]a girl I swear I never see[C]  [C7]
I h[G]ear the ringing of her phone[C]  [C7]
She m[G]ust live up there all alone[C]  [C7]
She h[G]angs her clothes out on the line[C]  [C7]
They're h[G]anging there right next to mine[C]  [C7]
And i[G]f the wind should blow just right[C]  [C7]
She co[G]uld be in my arms tonight[C]  [C7]

We are the lo[F]nely  - all to[G]gether
All to[F]gether - we're all a[G]lone
We are the lo[F]nely  - all to[G]gether
All t[F]ogether  - we're all al[G]one

[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]        [C]        [C7]
The ca[G]shier at the Pump & Pay[C] [C7]
Knows e[G]verything's gonna be okay[C] [C7]
The a[G]ll night all right Rent-A-Cop[C] [C7]
Is a[G]cross the street at the Donut Shop[C] [C7]
The w[G]aitress waits with Whiskey Sour[C] [C7]
At the Si[G]ngle Mingle Happy Hour[C] [C7]
The o[G]ne man band begins to sing[C] [C7]
Acc[G]ompanied by a drum machine[C] [C7]

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]        [C]        [C7]
[G]White divorced swinging male[C] [C7]
Seeks co[G]mpany to no avail[C] [C7]
[G]Worthless ruthless toothless man[C] [C7]
Wants we[G]althy woman with a plan[C] [C7]
[G]SWF with a PHD[C] [C7]
Seeks T[G]LC at the A&P[C] [C7]
[G]GWM nice and trim[C] [C7]
Seeks S[G]-E-X at the G-Y-M[C] [C7]
[G]Ugly man treats girls like dirt[C] [C7]
Wants b[G]uttons sewn upon his shirt[C] [C7]
[G]DUI at the B-A-R[C] [C7]
Seeks [G]M-A-N with C-A-R[C] [C7]

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

{ci:Repeat Chorus Again:}

[G]        [C]  [C7]
[G]        [C]  [C7]Alone Alone Alone Alone....

[G]Toothy gal with breasts so large[C] [C7]
Takes V[G]isa Amex Master Charge[C] [C7]
Dial [G]1-900 Girls for Fun[C] [C7]
You lo[G]nely little hot dog bun.[C] [C7]
[G]Straight but curious thirty-three[C] [C7]
Seeks sur[G]vivor of Wounded Knee.[C] [C7]
[G]Farmer's nympho daughter Mose[C] [C7]
[G]Want to do it till the cows come home[C] [C7] Fade...

{t:Lake Marie}
{st:(John Prine)}
[G]      [C]     [D]    [G]      [C]     [D]
We were sta[G]nding
[D]Standing by peaceful wa[G]ters
[D]Standing by peaceful wa[G]ters
[C]Whoa Wah Oh [D]Wha [G]Oh
   [C]      [D]       [G]

{ci:Play the following pattern throughout:}
[G]      [C]     [D]    [G]
Many years ago along the Illinois-Wisconsin Border
There was this Indian tribe
They found two babies in the woods
White babies
One of them was named Elizabeth
She was the fairer of the two
While the smaller and more fragile one was named Marie
Having never seen white girls before
And living on the two lakes known as the Twin Lakes
They named the larger and more beautiful Lake Lake Elizabeth
And thus the smaller lake that was hidden from the highway
Became known forever as Lake Marie

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

Many years later I found myself talking to this girl
Who was standing there with her back turned to Lake Marie
The wind was blowing especially through her hair
There was four italian sausages cooking on the outdoor grill
And they were ssssssssizzlin'
Many years later we found ourselves in Canada
Trying to save our marriage and perhaps catch a few fish
Whatever came first
That night she fell asleep in my arms
Humming the tune to "Louie Louie'
Aah baby, We gotta go now.

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

The dogs were barking as the cars were parking
The loan sharks were sharking the narcs were narcing
Practically everyone was there
In the parking lot by the forest preserve
The police had found two bodies
Nay, naked bodies
Their faces had been horribly disfigured by some sharp object
Saw it on the news  The tv news in a black and white video
Do you know what blood looks like in a black and white video?
Shadows, Shadows that's what it looks like
All the love we shared between her and me was slammed
Slammed up against the banks of Old Lake Marie  Marie

We were sta[G]nding
[D]Standing by peaceful wa[G]ters
[D]Standing by peaceful wa[G]ters
W[C]hoa Wah [D]Oh Wha [G]Oh
W[C]hoa Wah [D]Oh Wha [G]Oh
W[C]hoa Wah [D]Oh Wha [G]Oh
Pe[C]aceful waters
St[G]anding by peaceful waters
 [C]       [D]
Aah b[G]aby, w[C]e gotta go now
[G]    [C]     [D]    [G](Repeat and Fade....)
{t:Humidity Built The Snowman}
{st:(John Prine)}
[A]       [E]       [A]       [E]
[A]       [E]       [A]       [E]
D[A]oes he still think about h[E]er
[A]Why there was never really any do[E]ubt
E[A]very time he lights a can[E]dle
[A]Or blows a candle o[E]ut
[D]The scientific n[E]ature of the ord[A]inary m[D]an
Is to [A]go on out and [E]do the best you c[A]an

I [D]don't think that you know
That [A]I think you don't know
That o[D]ld barometer goes crazy baby
Every t[A]ime it starts to s[E]now
[A]You won't find me walking
[D]Round your part of town
Humdity built the sno[A]wman
Su[E]nshine brought him d[A]own

[A]       [E]       [A]       [E]
[A]This world is full of pe[E]ople
[A]They never seem to fa[E]ll
[A]Somebody said they s[E]een you
[A]You hadn't changed at a[E]ll
T[D]he fundamental st[E]ory
Of the c[A]ontemporary m[D]an
Is to w[A]alk away and so[E]meday unde[A]rstand

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

[A]       [E]       [A]       [E]
[A]       [E]       [A]       [E]
The s[D]cientific na[E]ture of the or[A]dinary m[D]an
Is [A]to go on out and [E]do the best you c[A]an

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

Hum[D]dity built the sn[A]owman
[E](tacet) Sunshine brought him d[A]own
[A]      [E]     [A]    [E]  Brought him d[A]own
[A]      [E]     [A]    [E]  Brought him do[A]wn
[A]      [E] (Repeat and Fade...)
{t:Day is Done}
{st:(John Prine/Gary Nicholson)}
[G]     [D]      [A]      [D]
[G]     [D]      [A]      [D]
[G]Do you like me? Well I h[D]ope you do,
Cause if y[A]ou like me, then I think I'm gonna have to l[D]ike you too.
W[G]e'll sh[G]are our things, and h[D]ave some fun,
Then we'll s[A]ay goodbye, and go back home when the d[D]ay is done.

If y[G]ou tell me, I'll te[D]ll you too.
And we'll s[A]ay the things and do the things that lo[D]vers do.
We'll keep it [G]to ourselves, we won't h[D]urt no one.
Then we'll s[A]ay goodbye, and go back home when the d[D]ay is done.

We'll [G]carve our names, o[D]n a tree,
Then we'll b[A]urn it down so no one in the wo[D]rld will see.
And we[G]'ll make love, while we wa[D]tch the flame
Then we'll w[A]alk away as if we never h[D]ad no shame.

[G]     [D]      [A]      [D]
[G]     [D]      [A]      [D]
Now [G]we must hide, to b[D]e alone,
And we c[A]an't say our sweet things on the te[D]lephone.
If w[G]e can't stop, what we[D]'ve begun,
We should s[A]ay goodbye and go back home when the d[D]ay is done.

Do you st[G]ill like me?  Well I h[D]ope you do.
Cause if you st[A]ill like me then I think I'm gonna have to st[D]ill like you.
We [G]shared our things, and h[D]ad some fun
Now, we'll s[A]ay goodbye and go back home when the d[D]ay is done.
Yeah, we'll s[A]ay goodbye and go back home while w[D]e still have one.
Let's s[A]ay goodbye, and go back home now the d[D]ay is done.

{t:Quit Hollerin' At Me}
{st:(John Prine/Gary Nicholson)}
[F#m]I don't want your big French Fry
I don't want your car
I don't want to buy no soap
>From no washed-up movie star
Y[Bm]ou are so much louder
Than the show I wanna hear
With your s[F#m]ugarless gum
Gee, but I'm dumb
Non-alcoholic beer
It's en[Bm]ough to make a grown man
Blow [E]up his own TV
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me

[F#m]I heard you the first time
I heard myself say
Seems like the little woman
Is getting bigger every day
Y[Bm]ou don't have to tell the neighbors
A little silence ain't no sin
They[F#m] already think my name is
Where in the hell you been?
Lo[Bm]uder, louder, louder, louder, lo[E]uder
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa [E]oh
S[Bm]weet Ser[F#m]enity
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa [E]oh
Q[Bm]uit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me

[F#m]Ain't it great at the end of the day
When there ain't no sound around
Just me and the fence post
Staring each other down
[Bm]Nothing but a big bunch of nothing
Driving me insane
Cause there a[F#m]in't no voice that's louder
Than the one inside my brain
H[Bm]ey you go on
Go [E]on and let me be
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa oh
Sw[Bm]eet Ser[F#m]enity
W[Bm]hoa oh whoa oh
Quit hollerin' at [F#m]me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me
Quit hollerin' at me

[F#m] (Repeat and Fade....)
{t:Big Fat Love}
{st:(John Prine/Gary Nicholson)}
[A]   [D]    [A]    [D]
[A]   [D]    [A]    [D]
[A]It stated out [D]
[A]When she was small  [D]
[A]She was premature
[A]She wasn't nothing at all  [D]
[A]Two pounds six ounces
[A]A little pumpkin seed
[A]But she got more love
[A]Than you ever gonna need
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
 [D]   [A]   [D]

[A]She don't eat enough
[A]To keep her alive
[A]When she bends over
[A]She's a quarter to five
[A]Skinny little thing
[A]But she ain't afraid
[A]To dance the watusi
[A]On a razorblade
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
[A]   [D]    [A]    [D]
[A]Tiny little hands
[A]Tiny little nose
[A]Tiny little footsteps
[A]Wherever she goes
[A]Little bit don't leave
[A]No bathtub ring
[A]You pull the plug
[A]She's down the drain
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
B[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
 [G]     [D]

[A]Bigger than me
[A]Bigger than you
[A]Bigger than the hippo
[A]Down at the zoo
[A]Thin is in
[A]Stout is out
[A]Big fat love
[A]Is what I'm talking about
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
B[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
She got b[G]ig f[D]at lo[A]ve
[A]    [D]     [A]    [D]
[A]    [D]     [A]    [D]     [A]
{define: E6 base-fret 1 frets 0 2 2 1 2 0}
{t:Same Thing Happened To Me}
{st:(John Prine/Gary Nicholson)}
[E]        [B7]        [E]
M[E]oonlight shining on the back of my hand
Cat Fight rattlin' the garbage can
L[A]ooks like somethin' chased you up a tr[E]ee
S[B7]ame thing, same thing happened to [E]me

W[E]ild wind blowing down the neck of my shirt
Old men sitting on a bench in the dirt
Se[A]ems like another ship has gone out to s[E]ea
S[B7]ame thing, same thing happened to [E]me

 [E]         [A]         [E]        [B7]       [E]
S[E]hoe shine someone's got to tell ya the news
A fine line separates a boy from the blues
L[A]ooks like you could use some comp[E]any
S[B7]ame thing, same thing happened to [E]me

[E]Runnin', runnin' just as fast as I can
Someone, someone take a hold of my hand
[A]Looks like somethin' chased you up a t[E]ree
[B7]Same thing, same thing happened to [E]me
[B7]Same thing, same thing happened to [E]me

[B7]         [E]          [E6]
{t:This Love Is Real}
{st:(John Prine/Lee Clayton)}
[D]I can taste your li[A]pstick in the w[D]ine,
[G]I can feel your h[A]eartbeat close to m[D]ine.
W[G]ith your love wrapped a[A]round me,
I'm [D]sile[C]nt and st[G]ill.
[C]    [G]    [C]   [G]
I [G]know that t[A]his love is r[D]eal.

[D]I have tasted other l[A]ips I thought were t[D]rue,
I have lo[G]oked into the e[A]yes I thought were y[D]ou.
Now [G]touching j[A]ust to touch,
And fe[D]eling j[C]ust to f[G]eel,
[C]   [G]   [C]   [G]
I [G]know that th[A]is love is r[D]eal.

[D]      [A]      [D]      [G]     [A]     [D]
[G]      [A]
[D]      [C]      [G]      [C]      [G]     [C]
[G]      [A]      [D]
[Bm]Someone should tell our dreams when love is g[A]one,
[Bm]While still in slumber, memories linger [A]on
[Bm]Sometimes I lie awake in bed till da[A]wn,
Thinking of y[G]ou, now you're g[A]one

[D]Tender is the h[A]eart that sleeps in re[D]st,
Te[G]nder is the h[A]ope of tende[D]rness
L[G]ove thy neighbor as thy[A]self
And t[D]hou sh[C]all not st[G]eal  [C]   [G]  [C]   [G]
I[G] know that t[A]his love is r[D]eal.
L[G]ove thy neighbor as thy[A]self
And t[D]hou sh[C]all not st[G]eal  [C]   [G]  [C]   [G]
I[G] know that t[A]his love is r[D]eal. [G]   [D]
{t:Leave The Lights On}
{st:(John Prine/Howie Epstein/Phil Parlapiano/Joe Romersa)}
[E]Feeling kind of boney
On the telephoney
Talking to Marconi
Eating Rice-A-Roni
[A]Nominated for Tony
For acting like a phoney
[E]Watching Twilight Zoney
On my forty-two inch Sony
Th[B7]is is just a long song
It ain't no poem
Le[E]ave the lights on till you baby gets home.

[E]It's like sitting in the kitchen
When the music's really bitchin'
Your nose it starts to itchin'
As you count your old age pension
D[A]id I forget to mention
The ride that I was hitchin'
To the al[E]uminum convention
I had such good intentions
Ke[B7]ep you cotton pickin' fingers off my song poem
And le[E]ave the lights on till you baby gets home.

Le[E]ave the lights on till you baby gets home.
Leave the lights on till you baby gets home.
Do[A]n't forget your toothbrush
Your hairbrush and your comb
L[E]eave the lights on till you baby gets home.
Got a b[B7]ig ol' dog
A chrome crowbar
I k[E]eep that mother humper in the back seat of my car
[E]      [A]       [E]        [B7]       [A]       [E]

[E]Me and Billy Shakespeare
Stepped out to get a root beer
We sat together so near
People thought we were q***r
Pun[A]ctuated by the big scare
We joined the Air Force right there
To d[E]efend our country first class
Who couldn't give a rat's a*s
Do[B7]n't you tell me that the White House is my home
Le[E]ave the lights on till you baby gets home.

Le[E]ave the lights on till you baby gets home.
Leave the lights on till you baby gets home.
Do[A]n't forget your toothbrush
Your hairbrush and your comb
Leave the lights on till you baby gets home.
Got a b[B7]ig ol' dog
A big iron bar
I k[E]eep that mother humper in the back seat of my car

[E]It's like kissing Greta Garbo
With a mouth full of marbles
Like tr[E]ying to cash a paycheck
In the middle of a train wreck  [B7]
Le[E]ave the lights on
Leave the lights on

[E]Like trying to get aroundo
In a car made of bondo   [A]
Like sp[E]eaking German lingo
To a dog named Dingo[B7] - Plotz!!
[E]Leave the lights on
Leave the lights on

[E]Like a french-fried quesadilla
In a franchised pizzeria
[E]Leave the lights on
Leave the lights on
A big iron bar
I k[E]eep that mother humper in the back seat of my car

{t:He Forgot It Was Sunday}
{st:(John Prine)}
{ci:Intro - Capo on 2:}
   G         C     D          G         C         Am   D         G

[G]The motel lights were blin[C]kin'
On my [D]chartreuse four-door [G]Lincoln
On the dock the fish were st[C]inkin'
I simply [D]didn't have a [G]care.
And the old men sit 'round the cr[C]acker barrels
The chi[D]ldren hum their Chri[G]stmas Carols
The train tracks all run par[C]allel
But they'll[D] all meet up o[G]ne day

On a [G]dusty pew in a ves[C]tibule
Sits the [D]Devil playing po[G]cket pool
He's waiting for the [C]next poor [Am]fool
Who for[D]got that it was [G]Sunday

[G]We used to tell each ot[C]her lies
With our o[D]range plastic bu[G]tton eyes
In a former life on a mo[C]tel chair
I was Ch[D]arlie Parker's Teddy B[G]ear
Yeah, me and Bird we'd s[C]tay up late
I u[D]sed to watch him conte[G]mplate
While his horn would sit by the wi[C]ndow and wait
Till it was t[D]ime for him to b[G]low it

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

   G         C     D          G         C         Am   D         G

[G]The only song I e[C]ver knew
Was Mo[D]onlight Bay on the A[G]venue
These are tales from the De[C]vil's Chin
Charlie, [D]I could've been a cont[G]ender
And the old men sit 'round the cr[C]acker barrels
The ch[D]ildren hum their Chr[G]istmas Carols
The train tracks all run par[C]allel
But th[D]ey'll all meet up one d[G]ay

{ci:Repeat Chorus:}

 He for[Am]got that [D]it was [G]Sunday  [Am] [D] [G]

{ci: A short wait, please ..}

   G         C     D          G         C         Am   D         G
On a [G]dusty pew in a ves[C]tibule
Sits the ole Red [D]Devil playing po[G]cket pool
He's waiting for the [C]next poor [Am]fool
Who for[D]got that it was [G]Sunday

   G         C     D          G         C         Am   D         G
And the old men why there're sittin' 'round their cracker barrels
And the children yeah they're out hummin' those Christmas Carols
And all those ole rusty train tracks
They're running parallel
But they'll all meet up one day (Fade...)

{t:I Love You So Much It Hurts}
{st:(Floyd Tillman)}
[F]         [B7]         [C]         [A7]
[D7]        [G]          [C]         [G]
I love you [C]so much it hurts me
Darlin', th[D]at's why I'm so blue
I'm so afr[G]aid to go to bed at night
Afraid of losing y[C]ou    [G]
I love you s[C]o much it hurts me
And there's no[D]thing I can do
I want to h[F]old you, my d[B7]ear
Fore[C]ver and e[A7]ver
I love you [D7]so much it hu[G]rts me s[C]o    [G]

[C]        [D]          [G]         [C]         [G]
I love you s[C]o much it hurts me
And there's no[D]thing I can do
I want to h[F]old you, my d[B7]ear
Fore[C]ver and e[A7]ver
I love you [D7]so much it hu[G]rts me s[C]o
I want to h[F]old you, my d[B7]ear
Fore[C]ver and e[A7]ver
I love you [D7]so much it hu[G]rts me s[C]o

{cb:--End of "Lost Dogs And Mixed Blessings" by John Prine--}