Johnny Cash
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Aerosmith
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Stiri cu Johnny Cash
Stranepoata lui Johnny Cash, gasita moarta in locuinta sa din Tennessee
O femeie gasita moarta in locuinta sa din Tennessee a fost ulterior identificata drept Courtney Cash, stranepoata legendarului Johnny Cash. Courtney a fost ucisa miercuri ca urmare a unei altercatii intre trei prieteni, conform spuselor Detectivului David Gibbons. Faptasul a folost un cutit de bucatarie cu care a...
Se lanseaza un nou album Johnny Cash
Legacy Records va lansa in data de 25 martie, 2014 albumul Out Among The Stars. Este vorba de o colectie de piese inregistrate la inceputul anilor 80 alaturi de producatorul Billy Sherrill, acelasi care a lucrat cu legende precum Tammy Wynette, Charlie Rich si George Jones. Albumul a fost inregistrat in perioada...
Johnny Cash, omagiat cu un timbru personalizat
Serviciul Postal al Statelor Unite il omagiaza pe legendarul Johnny Cash lansand in circuit un timbru tribut. Acesta va face parte din colectia Music Icons si va avea pe el o poza cu muzicianul facuta de Frank Bez in timpul sesiunilor de inregistrare pentru albumul 'Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash' din...
Licitatia Johnny Cash a strans peste 700.000 de dolari
Licitatia care a inclus obiecte personale ale artistului Johnny Cash a strans impresionanta suma de peste 700.000 de dolari. Printre obiecte s-au numarat un costum din denim, chitare sau versuri scrise de mana, toate apartinand legendarului artist. Costumul din denim s-a vandut dupa un razboi al ofertelor la...
S-a descoperit un duet nelansat al lui Johnny Cash
Un duet care nu a fost lansat intre Johhny Cash si Ray Charles a fost recent descoperit. Piesa se cheama " Why Me, Lord? " si a fost inregistrata in 1981 alaturi de producatorul Billy Sherrill si pastrata intr-un depozit din New York. Presedintele Fundatiei Ray Charles a aflat despre aceasta...
Top Versuri Johnny Cash
It Ain't Me, Babe
Aint No Grave (Gonna Hold This Body Down)
I Walk The Line
The Man Comes Around
Ring Of Fire
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
Solitary Man
Cry, Cry, Cry
A Boy Named Sue
Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream
Aloha Oe
Bridge Over Troubled Water
We'll Meet Again
Danny Boy
I Won't Back Down
Mean Eyed Cat
Sunday Morning Coming Down
The Great Speckled Bird
Ballad Of A Teenage Queen
Wayfaring Stranger
Bridge over Troubled Water
Man In Black
Tear Stained Letter
Bird On A Wire
Danny Boy
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
Personal Jesus
There You Go
Personal Jesus
Green, Green Grass Of Home
Solitary Man
Let the Train Blow the Whistle
We'll Meet Again
Folsom Prison Blues
A Satisfied Mind
My Grandfathers Clock
The Man On The Hill
Ballad of a Teenage Queen
I Still Miss Someone
Ragged Old Flag
Before My Time
Daddy Sang Bass
Don't Take Your Guns To Town
Get Rhythm
Mean Eyed Cat
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Johnny Cash
- Gods Gonna Cut You Down (ver3) Chords
- Goodnight Irene Chords
- Aint No Grave Can Hold My Body Down Chords
- Rose Of My Heart Chords
- Hurt Tab
- Born To Lose Tab
- Gods Gonna Cut Down Chords
- Walk The Line Chords
- Desperado Chords
- Without Love Chords
- Bonanza Intro Tab
- Personal Jesus Tab
- Understand Your Man Chords
- Sixteen Tons Tab
- Wayfaring Stranger Chords
- Blue Yodel No 9 Chords
- Dont Take Your Guns To Town Chords
- Cats In The Cradle Chords
- Country Trash Chords
- Tennessee Flat Top Box Intro Tab
- Solitary Man Tab
- Train Of Love Chords
- Ring Of Fire Intro Tab
- When The Man Comes Around Chords
- Walk The Line Tab
- The Last Time Tab
- Johnny Yuma Theme Chords
- Redemption Day Chords
- Rusty Cage Chords
- Go On Blues Chords
- Sunday Morning Coming Down Chords
- Oh What A Good Thing We Had Chords
- All Over Again Chords
- Well Meet Again Tab
- City Of New Orleans Chords
- I Heard That Lonesome Whistle Chords
- Tennessee Stud Chords
- Wildwood Flower Chords
- Ghost Riders In The Sky Tab
- Were You There Chords
- Troubador Chords
- Ring Of Fire Chords
- I Wont Back Down Chords
- Why Me Lord Chords
- Wanted Man Chords
- Little Wooly Booger Chords
- Devil To Pay Intro Tab
- Wanted Man Tab
- Hurt (ver2) Chords
- Rebel Johnny Yuma Chords