METALHEAD.ro » Judas Priest » JUDAS PRIEST au postat un teaser pentru noul single 'Trial By Fire' de pe viitorul album 'Invincible Shield'
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JUDAS PRIEST au postat un teaser pentru noul single 'Trial By Fire' de pe viitorul album 'Invincible Shield'
14 Noiembrie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
Pentru a precomanda „Invincible Shield” dati click aici.
In iunie chitaristul JUDAS PRIEST Richie Faulkner a declarat pentru Anne Erickson de la Audio Ink Radio despre noul album al trupei: "(it is) sounding great. I was in Phoenix with [producer and touring guitarist] Andy Sneap and Rob a few weeks ago, putting the vocals down," he said. "And it's always exciting to hear new PRIEST tracks, because they become PRIEST tracks when Rob sings them. It's, like, the world hasn't heard them yet, but there's new PRIEST tracks that we're hearing for the first time. It's really exciting, hearing that characteristic voice that we've heard for decades singing new stuff. It's an incredibly exciting thing, so I can't wait for the world to hear it all."
Discutand despre directia muzicala a noului material, Faulkner a spus ca: "There are definitely a few more twists and turns on this record. There are a few more musical parts. So, there might be a bit of... As I said, there are twists and turns. I've used the word 'progressive' before, and the Internet ripped me a new a*****e. But it is progressive in the sense that it's not like verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus-finish. It's musical part-verse-musical part. It might do a few twists and turns, musically. It veers from the path of it, a bit like 'Sinner' or 'Tyrant' or something like that. So, it's a bit more '70s PRIEST, which I welcome as a guitar player… It's '70s PRIEST, but it's not a retro album, by any means. It's the influence of '70s PRIEST in the progressive sense, but it sounds like PRIEST in 2023."
Acesta a adaugat: "Every PRIEST album has kind of stood on its own, stylistically. It's had that DNA of JUDAS PRIEST, because the characters are so strong. But it's always been a little bit different — retaining that DNA but having its own character. So, this one's no different, really, in the sense that it's obviously JUDAS PRIEST, but it's its own animal; it stands on its own two legs."
In noiembrie anul trecut, Faulkner a discutat cu Robert Cavuoto de la Metal Rules despre faptul ca unii fani ai trupei JUDAS PRIEST au interpretat gresit comentariile sale anterioare despre directia muzicala a viitorului LP al trupei. El a spus: "I think we've used the word 'progressive', and everyone thinks it's gonna become 'Nostradamus' [PRIEST's controversial 2008 symphonic heavy metal concept double album about Nostradamus], or RUSH, which is two different things. I've definitely used the word 'progressive' [to describe the new PRIEST material in previous interviews], purely because it's got a few musical turnarounds that 'Firepower' doesn't have. But that doesn't make it a RUSH record. It just makes it — instead of, like, a verse into a bridge into a chorus, there might be a couple of more musical passages in there to make it a bit more… interesting; might be the wrong word. I don't know. You've gotta be careful with the words you use these days. So it's not 'Firepower 2', but it's the same band a few years later, so there's obvious connections to the last record. But it's not 'Firepower 2' by any means."
Richie a continuat spunand: "No PRIEST records have sounded the same, but it's got a common DNA. And you always try and make the next one sound a bit better — or whatever 'better' may be; 'better' is subjective. So, is it better written? Are the lyrics better? Does it sound better? And 'better' is always subjective. So it's hard to pinpoint, really. But it's a bit more of a musical adventure than the last one, I'd say. But then again someone might listen to it, when it does come out, and have a totally different interpretation of what it is. So it's always tough to sum up your own music without sounding up your own butt."
In februarie 2022, Halford a fost intrebat de Remy Maxwell de la Audacy Check In daca a fost de acord cu comentariul lui Faulkner ca urmatorul album al trupei va fi mai „progresiv” muzical decat „Firepower”. El a raspuns: "Yeah, the metal is there. But here's the thing: we've tried our best not to replicate anything that we've done. From 'Rocka Rolla' all the way through to 'Firepower', each record has had a distinctive character. And it's tough because fans go, 'We want another 'Painkiller',' 'We want another 'British Steel'.' And [it's, like], 'Dude, we've already done that.'
"Fans know that we're a band that is always full of adventure and trying new stuff," a continuat artistul. "And so, yeah, this has got probably some more progressive elements that we've never really delved into before. And that's exciting, because, again, it gives us and our fans another opportunity to see a different side of PRIEST. But it's still metal. There's just more of it. There are more notes than there were before."
Tot in februarie 2022, Faulkner a povestit pentru The Metal Voice din Canada despre sunetul general al noului material semnat JUDAS PRIEST: "Whenever you start a record, you never know how it's gonna turn out. So you might start with an idea of what it's gonna be, and as it kind of rolls on, it comes out something different. So you don't quite know. And also it's really hard to sum up your own music, I find, without sounding really pretentious. But I think this one — it's not 'Firepower 2', I don't think. It's its own thing, it's its own animal. If anything, I would say it's a bit more progressive in places, and in places it's got a bit more of that 'Killing Machine' swagger."
Faulkner a mai spus: "I know everyone says, 'Oh, is it the next 'Painkiller'?' or 'Is it the next…?' whatever… I don't know if they'd ever done it, but I know we've never done it when I've been in the band; we've never tried to recreate an album. It's always we try to create an album that stands on its own legs. So I think it's definitely a little bit more progressive than 'Firepower' and, as I said, in places it's got a little bit of that 'Killing Machine' angry swagger attitude going on."
Basistul Ian Hill este singurul membru original ramas al trupei JUDAS PRIEST, care s-a format in 1969. Halford s-a alaturat grupului in 1973, iar chitaristul Glenn Tipton a intrat in trupa in anul 1974. Rob a parasit formatia la inceputul anilor 1990 pentru a-si forma propria trupa, apoi s-a intors la trupa in 2003. Chitaristul original K.K. Downing s-a despartit de trupa in 2011 si a fost inlocuit de Faulkner.
Photocredit: James Hodges Photography.
Asculta mai jos primul single lansat de pe noul album.
TRIAL BY FIRE. FRIDAY. pic.twitter.com/VLuWjLCirb
— Judas Priest (@judaspriest) November 13, 2023
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