Solistul Kingdom Come a fost intervievat de Metal Assault (audio)

de Chaos Lore

Solistul Kingdom Come a fost intervievat de Metal Assault (audio)

Lenny Wolf, solistul Kingdom Come, a fost intervievat pe 3 februarie de catre Metal Assault, iar interviul poate fi ascultat mai jos.

Lenny Wolf nu asociaza Kingdom Come cu succesul de la inceputuri, nici cu hiturile din cariera lor de succes. Momentan ii pasa numai de prezent.

Noul sau album se numeste "Rendered Waters" si va fi lansat pe 28 martie sub SPV/Steamhammer.

"Rendered Waters" track listing:

01. Can't Deny (newly recorded version)
02. The Wind (newly recorded version)
03. Blue Trees (brand new song)
04. Should I (newly recorded version)
05. I've Been Trying (newly recorded version)
06. Pushing Hard (newly recorded version)
07. Seventeen (newly recorded version)
08. Is It Fair Enough (brand new song)
09. Living Out Of Touch (newly recorded version)
10. Don't Remember (brand new song)
11. Break Down The Wall (newly recorded version)

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