KORN vor sa se reintalneasca cu Fieldy si este posibil sa il aduca inapoi in trupa!

de Cristi Nedelcu

KORN vor sa se reintalneasca cu Fieldy si este posibil sa il aduca inapoi in trupa!

Basistul Korn Reginald „Fieldy” Arvizu si-a anunat initial retragerea din trupa in iunie 2021 „due to falling back on some bad habits in the last six years.”. Chitaristul de la Korn, James „Munky” Shaffer a explicat mai tarziu ca Arvizu a cantat pe noul album al trupei, Requiem, si ca basistul „is just taking some time to kinda figure out what makes him happy and figure out his happiness and what he wants to do with his life." Arvizu a fost inlocuit de atunci cu basistul Suicidal Tendencies, Roberto „Ra” Diaz.

De curand, intr-un interviu cu Kerrang! Radio, chitaristul Brian „Head” Welch a spus ca trupa intentioneaza sa se reintalneasca cu Fieldy dupa turneul viitor pentru a vedea cum se descurca. Head a remarcat ca trupa a fost in contact cu Fieldy si ca toti inca il iubesc. "We've been in contact with him. I just e-mailed him the other day. So we're gonna get together and talk to him, see how he's doing, see where his head is at, after this tour. Me and Munk [guitarist James 'Munky' Shaffer] were just talking about it. We love him, we've been in communication with him, and we'll see."

Head a explicat anterior absenta lui Fieldy, spunand ca trupei nu ii era clar la momentul respectiv cum vor evolua lucrurile. "He is just taking a little time to be with his family. He is a great dad, he has so many kids. He has adult kids, teenagers, and young kids. He is just taking time, and we are giving him the time, we want everyone to be healthy and happy. I guess we will go and tour this record, I don't know a lot more other than that. We love him very much and we hope to communicate with him during the year at some stage, to see where everyone is at."

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