Cant Let Go Chords - Landon Pigg

"Can't Let Go" by Landon Pigg
Tablature written by Chris Floyd (vapre -att- bellsouth -dott- net) 8/29/06
e--     0xxxxx20

Intro (and bridge)
E G#  A-bar
***Verse 1)***
A       C# C#2B/F# BA
You're the closest thing I have tobring up in a  conversation
G#         BE
about a love that didnt last...
C#         C#2G#m B
but I could never call you mine
Cuz I could never call myself yours....
G#        B    -    E
And if we were ever meant to be
C#        A
well that would  justify        destiny
G#          B2                A     A3
its not that our love   died, just never really bloo-oomed
****CHORUS*********  ****CHORUS********  
EC#        B/F# 
I cant let go no I can't let go of you. 
B                                A     E
Your holding me back without even tryin to
EC#        A
I can't let goI can't move on from the past ...  
without lifting a finger you're me back

E G#  A
A        C#        B/F#
then we saw our paths di-verge 
and I guess I felt OK about it
G#         BE
until you got with another man
C# G#m
then I couldn't understand why it bothered me so
G#          B2A  A3
no we didn't die we just never had a chance to grow
second bridge (all bar chords)
F#            G#
and it maight not make much sense to you and any of my friends but
A         B
somehow still you affect the things I do
F#               G#
and you cant lose what you never had  i dont understand why I feel sad
A         B
everytime I see you out with someone newwww
--Repeat CHORUS