Eggtooth Tab - Leo Kottke

#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #
apollo!uchinews!!!!uunet!nih-csl!lhc!news Thu Oct 27 22:24:16 1994
From: kucera@rad.lhc (Richard Kucera)
Subject: TAB:  Eggtooth by Leo Kottke (epic)
Lines: 788
Organization: National Library of Medicine
Date: 27 Oct 1994 14:29:42 GMT
Xref: apollo

if this come's across garbled don't fret i've sent it to nevada
                            __/ o  o __
                           __/ o    o __
                          __/ o    __
                         __/ o        o __
                        __/ o          o __
                       __/ o            o __
                       E  G  G  T  O  O  T  H
                       ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
                       ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
                       ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
                       ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||

By Leo Kottke
Tablature By Rich Kucera
Based on live recording off of 1978 Capitol _The Best_ release

Use a twelve string in standard tuning,  nylon string sounds
good too.

This took a long time(it rusted my strings), and you will need
the recording if you want to learn it.   Since the recording is
rather hard to find,  I'll gladly provide you with a half speed
and full speed rendition.  Just send me a blank cassette
and an envelope to send it back in.  e-mail me at
and I'll get you my address.  I'll also provide you with half
and full speed renditions of Junebug off of the same release
since I know that is also rather hard to find(in fact,  the Home
and Away Video erroneously states that Junebug is part of the slide
medley which it is not).   If I'm not there,  too bad!  Nevada
doesn't archive tapes!

If you've never heard Eggtooth, energy-wise, it's way up there with
Junebug, Busted Bicycle, Airproofing,  but more complex, and just as
catchy.  People are usually glad when it's over,  but for the student
of fingerstyle there are lots of fine Kottkeisms buried in it, even
when you play'em at half speed.

Using a Half-Speed Recorder
I waited a long time before buying one of these.  I wouldn't wait
again.  They're loads of fun.  If you're working on a difficult passage
it can help to record you playing it at half speed,  and then
have the tape player double the speed for you.  Play a few takes.
This can be very encouraging and will reassure you that you're on the
right track.   When tabbing,  listening at both speeds is necessary
to get both the microscopic and overall view of a passage.
Your brain can pick up clues anywhere anytime,  and usually without
the benefit of what you think is your knowledge and effort.

I welcome better suggestions for any part of this tab.  This
is my current best guess.  I'll note where I'm without enough clues
to even commit to anything reasonably accurate.

Sorry for the lack of timing information--listen to the recording!

Have fun!

* = harmonic(e.g. 7*)
X = mute(e.g. 9X) or strum muted or mute the strings,  depending
 = slide down
/ = slide up
h = hammer
p = pulloff
b = bend(e.g. 7b9 bend from seven to nine)
. = stacatto(e.g. ---.----|

freely,  slowly



     let the open 'E' ring


I made the following up.  I just can't hear the two obscure voicings
used here and here,  so I substituted this.  I don't really like it.

resuming with the "real thing"

                                             fff     fff

(section A.1)
moderately fast
                             ^the way to hit this note,  and the
                              way Kottke does,  and to also smoothly
                              do the slide following,  is to sort
                              of jam your ring finger in between
                              your index and middle.  so it's middle
                              on 4th string, ring on 3rd, and index
                              on 2nd.  then again,  you could just
                              mute it and it'll still sound good.
(section A.2)

(section A.3)

repeat A.2
repeat A.3
repeat A.2,  end phrase sliding up to 11(yes it goes up to 11)
             from forth string fourth fret,  the slide should
             be just audible

(section B.1)

(section B.2)

repeat B.1, ATTENTION: substitute for the last note, 9X,
                       a plucked open third string as you switch
                       into the next section.

(section B.3)

(section C.1),  It is important to let some of these notes ring
         here and here,  other places too,  listen to the recording
          |        |
          v        v

                                         ^could be a 2 on the sixth
                                          here instead of 4 on the 4th,
                                          I think he's harping, so 4.
                                          There's probably a more
                                          accurate way,  hint hint.
                let 'D' ring of course

repeat A.1
repeat A.2

(section D.1)
     |__|  |__|  |    |___|   |___|   |___|   |   |___|   |___|  ?
                                                               it out

(section D.2)

repeat D.1

(section D.3)

(section E.1)


repeat B.1, B.2, B.1, B.3
repeat C.1
repeat A.1

(section F.1)
                                                          ^barre here.

                                                           here if you


(section F.2)                        (section F.2 alternate)

(section G.1)                                         ?
                                          ^weird ghostly overtones here

(section H.1) -- strum it! with your thumb and index.

(section I.1)

(section I.2)

repeat I.1

(section I.3)

                                     here slide 5 to 8 don't pick
                                    /                (pick 12 tho)


repeat D.1, D.2, D.1, D.3

(section I.4)

repeat B.1, B.2, B.1, B.3
repeat Crepeat A.1, A.2, A.3, A.2

(section J.1) -- bridge
                                  ^^^^^^^build momentum

(section K.1)



(section K.2)
                       ^hold for a few seconds, continue...
repeat K.1

(section K.3)
                              ^hold for a few seconds, continue...

(section L.1)
      i    m p  i   p  i

repeat L.1, L.1

(section L.2)
      |   |___|  |___|

(section L.3)

-E|-----------------------------------------------------------------|epeat L.1,
L.1, L.1, L.2


repeat K.1, K.3


repeat L.2

(section M.1)

(section M.2)

repeat K.1, K.3
                                get louder...

repeat L.1, L.1, L.1, L.2, L.3, L.1, L.1, L.1, L.2
repeat M.1
repeat K.1, K.3, K.1, K.3 -- strummed loudly,  use thumb and index
