METALHEAD.ro » Lynch Mob » LYNCH MOB au lansat o noua piesa insotita de videoclip: 'The Synner'
LYNCH MOB au lansat o noua piesa insotita de videoclip: 'The Synner'
09 Noiembrie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
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Lynch Mob a lansat videoclipul oficial al piesei „The Synner”. Piesa este preluata de pe cel mai recent album al trupei, „Babylon”, care a fost lansat pe 20 octombrie prin intermediul Frontiers Music Srl.
Alaturi de veneratul chitarist si fondator al trupei, George Lynch (THE END MACHINE, THE BANISHMENT, ex-DOKKEN) pe acest ultim LP semnat LYNCH MOB ii auzim si pe vocalistul Gabriel Colon, bassistul Jaron Gulino (TANTRIC, HEAVENS EDGE) si bateristul Jimmy D'Anda (ex- BULLETBOYS).
In timpul unei aparitii in cadrul episodului din 23 octombrie al emisiunii „Trunk Nation With Eddie Trunk” de la SiriusXM, George a vorbit despre turneul „The Final Ride”, un turneu de adio care sarbatoreste mostenirea de 35 de ani a trupei. Calatoria trupei va incepe in ianuarie 2024 si se va incheia in martie 2025 cu Monsters Of Rock.
Intrebat daca a fost ideea lui sa faca un ultim turneu cu LYNCH MOB, George a spus: "Yeah, it was kind of my call. The thought behind it is LYNCH MOB has been a revolving door since its inception. And this feels like a solid landing. This version of the band has been intact now for a couple of years and is very, very solid. And I think it's about as solid as it's ever going to get. What I really wasn't looking forward to is, again, another member change, another singer change, and all this and that. I don't wanna go through that anymore. I'd like to see this solid lineup be the bookend and the endcap for the story. And I'm gonna be 70 next year. It's not like I'm gonna be retiring permanently or anything. I'm gonna be still going out probably and doing some stuff, but it'll give me a freedom to kind of stretch out, maybe play out as a solo artist and play material from all different projects or any project that I've been involved in, which is quite a few. So I can go back in time 40, 50 years if I want. I could play stuff from [my pre-DOKKEN band] XCITER. 'Paris Is Burning' is an XCITER song, which became a DOKKEN song. So, stuff like that or stuff off my instrumental solo records — things like that. Become a little more self-indulgent."
Intrebat de gazda emisiunii Eddie Trunk daca cel de-al optulea album de studio al trupei LYNCH MOB, „Babylon”, va fi si ultimul material al formatiei, George a declarat: "Well, that remains to be seen. I don't wanna say this is our final record because we may look at it like, well, we'll get through our heavy touring schedule in '24 and maybe some dates in '25 and cap it off with Monsters Of Rock cruise in March of '25. But maybe we'll wanna leave our options open to do another studio album while things slow down at the beginning of '25. But we wouldn't be out there touring to promote it. So we have to think about that. I'm not saying we are gonna do another studio record, but I definitely know I wanna leave that option open."
Cand „The Final Ride” a fost anuntat pentru prima data pe 24 octombrie, Lynch a spus intr-o declaratie: "After 35 years since the inception of LYNCH MOB, I feel the time is right to let this chapter of my musical life fade off into the sunset. I feel the timing is right because of the solidarity and camaraderie of our current lineup. It ensures that we're leaving a powerful legacy with no regrets. Jimmy D'Anda has been my partner and brother for many decades. Jaron Gulino feels like he was designed in a laboratory to be the perfect bassist for this band. Gabriel Col�n defies every lead singer stereotype by being one of the sweetest, kindest and most humble lead singer I've ever worked with, yet goes out every night and morphs into a stage stalking, golden-throated lord. We laugh hard, work hard, and know we can step on to any stage at any time and own it. With our latest record. I feel at peace knowing that we've documented the final chapter in the 35-year legacy of the MOB."
Lynch a adaugat: "There's been so many iterations of LYNCH MOB since the first lineup in 1989 of Oni Logan, Mick Brown, Anthony Esposito and myself. Putting LYNCH MOB together was just an extension of what I'd always strived for in a band: the best possible musicians, chemistry, and brotherhood. My bands have not only been my best friends, but also family. When we come up together and work hard and struggle together, we create a bond that lasts a lifetime. I think that's the thing I love the most about my musical journey... creating music in the studio, stepping on stage, and sharing that bond with my friends through music. Thank you to everyone who has been in my band. I really feel it's ours."
LYNCH MOB este o formatie care a aparut in 1989 dupa ce Lynch s-a despartit de fosta sa trupa DOKKEN. Lansarea lor de debut, „Wicked Sensation”, a fost apreciata de critici si fani si a continuat mult timp de la lansare sa fie certificata cu aur pentru vanzarile efectuate de catre RIAA. Urmatoarele materiale semnate de trupa au fost de asemenea aclamate atat de cirtici cat si de fani.
LYNCH MOB este in acest moment formata din:
Gabriel Colon: Voce
George Lynch: Chitara
Jimmy D'Anda: Tobe
Jaron Gulino: Bass
Jaron Gulino din New Jersey aduce atitudinea si energia coastei de est in cadrul formatiei LYNCH MOB. El s-a dezvoltat initial ca bassist intr-o varietate de trupe, devenind cunoscut pe cand facea parte din trupa rock/post-grunge TANTRIC. Gulino a avut un real succes in topuri cu mai multe lansari de la formatia TANTRIC, acesta sustinand si mai multe turnee si evenimente de profil cu numeroase alte trupe cunoscute. In prezent, este, de asemenea, bassistul unei formatii din Philadelphia: HEAVENS EDGE.
Colegul sau de trupa este nimeni altul decat tobosarul original de la BULLETBOYS, Jimmy D'Anda, care este cunoscut pentru capacitatea sa de a aduce un element fantastic de groove, mentinand in acelasi timp vibratia hard rock puternica a formatiei LYNCH MOB.
Gabriel Colon este un cantaret portorican care si-a inceput cariera cu o trupa numita FAST TAKER. De atunci, el si-a etalat talentul vocal cu mai multe trupe rock, inclusiv GOTHIC KNIGHTS, CULPRIT, WHITE WIZZARD si Rowan Robertson. Gabriel este un artist veritabil care se potriveste excelent in LYNCH MOB.
O mare parte din anii 2021 si 2022, George a cantat in SUA sub numele de ELECTRIC FREEDOM, despre care a spus anterior ca ar fi noul nume al trupei, dupa ce a decis sa retraga definitiv numele de LYNCH MOB in 2020. Cu toate acestea, cu un an in urma, s-a raportat faptul ca Lynch va sustine din nou spectacole sub numele de LYNCH MOB.
Lista de piese „Babylon” include:
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