Larry Junstrom a fost basist si membru fondator al formatiei Lynyrd Skynyrd. Dupa ce a parasit formatia artistul a cantat alaturi de 38 Special.
Vestea a fost data de acestia. "The Big Man on the Big Bass has left us. He rocked arenas all over the world and succeeded in living his dream. He was truly one of a kind, a congenial traveling companion and a great friend to all with a humorous slant on life that always kept our spirits high — a kind man with a big heart for everyone who crossed his path. There will never be another like him.
We are sending our devoted love, strength and comfort to his wife Thania and Larry's family. We will miss our friend and partner."
Cauzele decesului nu sunt inca cunoscute. Artistul avea 70 de ani.
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