Machine Head
Stiluri: Groove metal
Biografie Machine Head
Machine Head a fost fondata in 1992 de catre chitaristul Robert Flynn . Primul album, Burn My Eyes , a fost lansat in 1994. Piesa Davidian , a reprezentat primul hit al trupei, mai ales datorita versurilor "Let freedom ring/with a shotgun blast". Videoclipul a fost interzis pe MTV. "Burn My Eyes" a permis trupei sa sustina un turneu alaturi de Slayer si Pantera. Albumul a fost notat cu nota maxima. Dupa ce Chris Kontos a parasit trupa pentru a lucra cu Testament, Dave McClain a fost ales drept inlocuitor. A urmat un nou album, The More Things Change , prdous de catre Colin Richardson. In 1998 Lorgan Mader a parasit trupa, find inlocuit de Ahrue Luster. A urmat un al treilea album, intitulat The Burning Red. Discul a reprezentat o schimbare stilistica, mai degraba un experiment. Trupa a declarat ca nu dorea sa lanseze inca o copie a lui Burn My Eyes. In 2002, numarul de albume vandute a ajuns la impresionanata suma de 1,3 milioane. "Supercharger" a ajuns sa fie vandut in peste......Toata biografia Machine Head
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Stiri cu Machine Head
Machine Head lanseaza un nou single insotit de clip, 'My Hands Are Empty'
'My Hands Are Empty' este primul single al trupei de la lansarea albumului 'Do Or Die' din 2019 Iata ce a declara trupa: "Shooting a music video in Northern California during the one of the strictest lockdown times of COVID-19-era proves to be quite a challenge. After getting shut down by health officials...
Fostul tobosar Machine Head, Tony Costanza, a decedat la varsta de 52 de ani
Vestea trista a fost confirmata de fostul sau coleg din trupa Crisis, Afzaal Nasiruddeen. "Tony Costanza was one of a kind. A man with a huge heart, love and loyalty for the ones close to him. I cannot relate to this reality of loss yet. I know he had a lot of admirers, and I was one of his biggest. He...
Phil Demmel vorbeste despre motivele din spatele plecarii din Machine Head
Acum cateva zile am aflat ca Machine Head vor ramane fara tobosarul Dace McClain si fara chitaristul Phil Demmel. Phil acum a oferit si cateva declaratii cu privire la motivul plecarii sale din formatie. "Thanks to all who have reached out and offered such positive support. 15 years in MH is a...
Machine Head au ramas fara tobosar si chitarist
Se pare ca Machine Head trebuie sa isi caute tobosar si chitarist, cei doi artisti, Dace McClain si Phil Demmel au anuntat ca dupa turenul din State vor parasi formatia. Anunutul a fost facut de Robb Flynn print-un clip postat pe facebook. Iata ce a declarat Robb: 'I ask that you respect Phil and...
Machine Head a lansat un clip pentru 'Now We Die'
Pe 26 Ianuarie, Machine Head lanseaza un nou album intitulat Catharsis. Acesta va fi disponibil in mai multe formate, incusiv sub forma unui DVD digipack. De pe DVD au lansat un clip pentru 'Now We Die' pe care il vedeti mai jos.
Videoclipuri Machine Head
Top Versuri Machine Head
All Fall Down
08. Message in a Bottle
Aesthetics of Hate
11. Five
A Farewell to Arms
01. Davidian
08. Blood for Blood
03. A Thousand Lies
02. Bite the Bullet
06. From This Day
08. Violate
01. Imperium
Ten Fold
04. Elegy
11. Block
03. Struck a Nerve
The Rage To Overcome
04. Down to None
05. The Frontlines
04. The Blood, the Sweat, the Tears
07. Vim
My Misery
01. Ten Ton Hammer
05. In the Presence of My Enemies
10. I Defy
Desire To Fire (Live)
02. Old
06. Days Turn Blue to Gray
07. Bay of Pigs
03. Left Unfinished
07. Exhale the Vile
07. A Nation on Fire
From This Day (Edit)
Seasons Wither
Now I Lay Thee Down
09. Blistering
12. The Burning Red
06. Death Church
02. Take My Scars
House Of Suffering
Descend The Shades Of Night
Beautiful Mourning
10. Blood of the Zodiac
02. Desire to Fire
03. Nothing Left
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Machine Head
- Halo Tab
- Real Eyes Realize Real Lies Tab
- Message In A Bottle Tab
- Message In A Bottle (ver2) Tab
- Davidian Bass Tab
- Message In A Bottle (ver3) Tab
- Old Tab
- Ten Ton Hammer Tab
- Seasons Wither Tab
- None But My Own Tab
- Wolves Tab
- Seasons Wither Intro Tab
- Spine Tab
- Supercharger Tab
- From This Day (ver4) Tab
- From This Day Tab
- Davidian Tab
- Slanderous Tab
- Ten Ton Hammer Bass Tab
- Take My Scars Bass Tab
- The Rage To Overcome Tab
- Halo (ver2) Tab
- Only The Names Tab
- Seasons Wither Intro (ver2) Tab
- Five Bass Tab
- My Misery Tab
- SilverTab
- Ten Ton Hammer (ver2) Tab
- From This Day (ver2) Tab
- Beautiful Mourning Intro Tab
- Halo Bass Tab
- Violate Intro Tab
- Old Bass Tab
- Only The Names (ver2) Tab
- Now I Lay Thee Down Tab
- Davidian Intro Tab
- Imperium (ver4) Tab
- Trephination Bass Tab
- Now I Lay Thee Down Intro Tab
- White Knuckle Blackout Tab
- From This Day Intro Tab
- From This Day (ver3) Tab
- Hard Times Tab
- None But My Own (ver2) Tab
- Five Tab
- Sick Of You Tab
- Vim Tab
- Days Turn Blue To Gray Tab
- Aesthetics Of Hate (ver2) Tab
- Enter The Pheonix Tab