Manic Street Preachers
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Stiri cu Manic Street Preachers
Manic Street Preachers au lansat un videoclip nou: This Is The Day
"This Is The Day" este cel mai nou single Manic Street Preachers, al carui videoclip il puteti vedea mai jos. Piesa reprezinta un conver al piesei originale din 1983, semnata de The The , si va fi inclusa pe compilatia " National Treasures - The Complete Singles ", semnata de Manic Street...
Manic Street Preachers se destrama?
Nicky Wire, basistul formatiei Manic Street Preachers, declara ca cel mai nou album este de fapt un cadou de adio. ' Postcards from a Young Man este unul din albumele noastre preferate. Intr-un fel ne-a unit si cred ca e ocazia perfecta pentru a spune ramas bun.' Trupa va sustine un concert special in Londra...
Nicky Wire: Vom disparea pentru mult timp
Nicky Wire, basistul Manic Street Preachers, a declarat in cadrul unui interviu recent ca trupa urmeaza sa se desparta dupa lansarea viitoarei compilatii greatest hits, "National Treasures - The Complete Singles". "Este finalul unei ere, nu finalul trupei, dar vom disparea pentru o perioada destul de...
Nicky Wire publica prima sa carte in toamna (video)
Nicky Wire , basistul Manic Street Preachers , va lansa prima sa carte in noiembrie 2011. Volumul se numeste " Death Of The Polaroid: A Manics Family Album " si va aparea pe piata pe 11 noiembrie. Cuprinde fotografii cu Wire din ultimii 20 de ani, asezata cronologic de catre autor in istoria trupei....
Nicky Wire: E al naibii de plictisitor sa nu beau
Nicky Wire (Manic Street Preachers) a declarat recent ca este "al naibii de plictisitor" sa nu bea si isi doreste sa se poata intoarce la obiceiul de a bea vin. Basistul a renuntat la alcool acum sase luni, dupa ce a intampinat probleme gastro-intestinale si a declarat ca nu se simte foarte bine cu noua...
Videoclipuri Manic Street Preachers
Top Versuri Manic Street Preachers
Journal For Plague Lovers
Jackie Collins Existential Question Time
Peeled Apples
Marlon J.D.
Me And Stephen Hawking
She Bathed Herself In A Bath Of Bleach
This Joke Sport Severed
All Is Vanity
Facing Page Top Left
Virginia State Epileptic Colony
Doors Closing Slowly
Williams Last Words
Behave Yourself Baby
Bag Lady
Pretension Repulsion
All We Make Is Entertainment
You Stole The Sun From My Heart
Intravenous Agnostic
Ocean Spray
Another Invented Disease
Your Love Alone Is Not Enough
Archives Of Pain
So Why So Sad
Indian Summer
A Design for Life
Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky
The Everlasting
Born To End
Nobody Loved You
Repeat (Stars And Stripes)
So Dead
You Love Us
4st. 7lbs.
Freedom Of Speech Won't Feed My Children
Motorcycle Emptiness
Die In The Summertime
Everything Must Go
Elvis Impersonator: Blackpool Pier
Interiors (Song For Willem de Kooning)
La Tristesse Durera (Scream To A Sigh)
Be Natural
Black Dog On My Shoulder
Condemned To Rock 'N' Roll
Roses In The Hospital
We Are All Bourgeois Now
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Manic Street Preachers
- Jackie Collins Existential Question Time Tab
- This Joke Sport Severed Chords
- Facing Page Top Left Chords
- Me And Stephen Hawking Tab
- Williams Last Words Tab
- Virginia State Epileptic Colony Chords
- Bag Lady Tab
- Cardiff Afterlife Chords
- Faster Acoustic Chords
- Peeled Apples Chords
- She Bathed Herself In A Bath Of Bleach Tab
- Motorcycle Emptiness Chords
- Doors Closing Slowly Chords
- Your Love Alone Is Not Enough Tab
- She Is Suffering Chords
- Your Love Alone Is Not Enough Chords
- Suicide Is Painless Tab
- Sleepflower (ver2) Tab
- This Is Yesterday Tab
- Indian Summer Chords
- Die In The Summertime Tab
- Autumnsong Tab
- If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next Chords
- Fearless Punk Ballad Chords
- Ocean Spray Chords
- 4st 7lb Chords
- Damn Dog Bass Tab
- 4st 7lb (ver2) Chords
- Empty Souls Intro Tab
- The Everlasting Chords
- A Design For Life Chords
- Yes Bass Tab
- The Love Of Richard Nixon Bass Tab
- Picturesque Chords
- Underdogs (ver2) Tab
- Suicide Is Painless (ver2) Tab
- Yes Tab
- This Is Yesterday Intro Tab
- A Secret Society Tab
- 4st 7lb Tab
- Let Robseon Sing Chords
- You Stole The Sun From My Heart Tab
- Design For Life (ver2) Tab
- Interiors Bass Tab
- You Stole The Sun From My Heart (ver3) Tab
- All Is Vanity Tab
- New Art Riot Tab
- No Surface All Feeling Bass Tab
- Why So Sad (ver2) Chords
- Underdogs Tab