Marduk Chords & Tabs

Marduk este o trupa suedeza de black metal ce trateaza subiecte legate de satanism, razboi precum si povesti biblice. In ultimii ani, trupa a lansat foarte multe piese legate de istoria omenirii: The Hangman of Prague , Night of the Long Knives sau Deathmarch. Marduk a fost formata in Suedia, de catre Morgan Steimeyer Hakansson . Scopul acestuia era sa formeze cea mai satanica trupa din istoria muzicii. In 1991, a fost lansat primul demo, intitulat Fuck me Jesus. A urmat primul album, Dark Endless lansat in 1992. Formatia a semnat cu......Biografie Marduk

Woman Of Dark Desires Tab

Wolves Tab

Warschau Tab

Voices From Avignon Tab

Vanity Of Vanities Tab

Through The Belly Of Damnation Tab

Throne Of Rats Tab

Those Of The Unlight Tab

The Black Tormentor Of Satan Tab

The Black Tab

Summers End Tab

Sulphur Souls Tab

Still f*****g Dead Tab

Steel Inferno Tab

Slay The Nazarene Tab

Seven Angels Seven Trumpets Tab

Schorched Earth Tab

Samhain Tab

Panzer Division Marduk Bass Tab

Panzer Division Marduk Tab

Opus Noctune Tab

On Darkened Wings Tab

Of Hells Fire Tab

Obedience Tab

Nightwing Tab

Materialized In Stone Tab

Limbs Of Worship Tab

Levelling Dust Tab

Legion Tab

La Grande Danse Macabre Tab

Infernal Eternal Tab

Holy Blood Holy Grail Tab

Hangman Of Prague Tab

Glorification Of The Black God Tab

Fistfucking Gods Planet Tab

Echos From The Past Tab

Echoes From The Past Tab

Dracul Va Domno Din Nov In Tab

Dracul Va Domni Nou In Transilvania Tab

Dracul Va Domni Din Nou In Transilvania Tab

Deme Quaden Thyrane (ver2) Tab

Deme Quaden Thyrane Tab

Darkness It Shall Be Tab

Darkness Breeds Immortality Tab

Cold Mouth Prayer Tab

Christraping Blackmetal (ver2) Tab

Christraping Blackmetal Tab

Christraping Black Metal (ver2) Tab

Christraping Black Metal Tab

Blooddawn Tab

Beyond The Grace Of God Tab

Beast Of Prey Tab

Baptism By Fire (ver2) Tab

Baptism By Fire Tab

Autumnal Reaper Tab

Accuseropposer Tab

502 Tab

Into Utter Madness Tab

Bleached Bones Tab

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