Dupa ce ne-au intrigat cu un teaser extrem de scurt, supergrupul, format din Troy Sanders (Mastodon), Troy Van Leeuwen (Queens Of The Stone Age), Tony Hajjar (At the Drive-In) si Mike Zarin, ne lasa sa ascultam prima lor compozitie facuta publica in formula Gone Is Gone.
“Violescent” este primul single de pe EP-ul pe care il vor lansa in cursul acestui an.
"The thought behind this band is to combine what most of us know from many years of being in touring/recording entities and our love of scoring. Mike and I have had the privilege of being part of some amazing movie trailer campaigns and scored the game Splinter Cell: Blacklist together as well. Our goal is to be able to do more of this within this project … The goal is to be able to compose remotely, if needed, on film, trailers, or on anything else that comes up ... It feels good to know that all this music will see the light of day soon", a declarat Hajjar pentru revista Rolling Stone
"The timing is like a mother's instinct. We know it is now as this band was conceived a few years ago, and we have been holding onto this music far too long. The gestation period has to end. Doctor's orders, we must birth this band into the world now!", a declarat Sanders pentru Rolling Stone.
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