Mayday Parade: Filmari de la realizarea videoclipului Stay
02 August 2012 de Chaos Lore
Mayday Parade au publicat o filmare de la realizarea celui mai nou videoclip al trupei, "Stay", disponibila mai jos.
"Stay" este cel de-al doilea single promovat de pe cel mai recent album al lor, care poarta numele trupei. "Mayday Parade" a fost lansat pe 4 octombrie 2011.
Videoclipul a fost facut de Thuder Down Country (Brad Golowin, Kevin Cross si TJ Hellmuth), care a mai lucrat cu Attack Atatck!, Miss May I, Asking Alexandria sau Memphis May Fire.
Tracklist "Mayday Parade":
1. "Oh Well, Oh Well"
2. "No Heroes Allowed"
3. "When You See My Friends"
4. "You're Dead Wrong"
5. "Priceless"
6. "Stay"
7. "Call Me Hopeless, Not Romantic"
8. "A Shot Across the Bow"
9. "Everything's an Illusion"
10. "I'd Rather Make Mistakes Than Make Nothing at All"
11. "Without the Bitter the Sweet isn't as Sweet"
12. "Happy Endings Are Stories that Haven't Ended Yet"