MEKONG DELTA lanseaza un nou album

de Buvnitz

MEKONG DELTA lanseaza un nou album

Mekong Delta vor lansa in data de 20 aprilie un nou album intitulat Intersections.

Este vorba de o colectie de piese re-inregistrate alese din intreaga cariera a grupului german. Albumul va fi disponibil via SPV/Steamhammer.

Tracklist-ul albumului este:

01. Prophecy (from The Music Of Erich Zann)
02. The Cure (from Mekong Delta)
03. Memories Of Tomorrow (from The Music Of Erich Zann)
04. Heroes Grief (from Mekong Delta)
05. Shades Of Doom (from The Principles Of Doubt)
06. The Healer (from Visions Fugitives)
07. Transgressor (from Dances Of Death (And Other Walking Shadows))
08. Sphere Eclipse (from Kaleidoscope)
09. Heartbeat (from Kaleidoscope)
10. Innocent? (from Kaleidoscope)

O filmare din studio poate fi urmarita mai jos.

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