Stiluri: Indie
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Luna Amara
Stiri cu Mew
Mew confirmati pentru Truck Festival 2010
Mew vor concerta drept cap de afis la prima editie a festivalului Truck. Programat pentru perioada 23-25 Iulie in Steventon, Abingdon, Oxfordshire evenimentul se va bucura de prezenta acestui grup danez ce va evolua in seara de sambata. Intre timp White Rabbits, Mercury Rev si The Joy Formidable se numara...
Mew amana lansarea noului album
Potrivit unor zvonuri, viitorul album live Mew este pus sub semnul intrebarii. Intitulat Live At The Hollywood Palladium si programat intitial pentru 7 decembrie, surse sustin ca lansarea va fi in mod sigur amanata. Potrivit, casa de discuri Columbia a anulat orice fel de contract cu trupa daneza....
Mew lanseaza un album live inregistrat la Hollywood
Mew vor lansa un nou album in data de 7 decembrie intitulat Live At The Hollywood Palladium. Cum si titlul sugereaza, este vorba de un album live inregistrat la Hollywood Paladium in data de 2 septembrie. Discul va fi lansat exclusiv in format digital, tracklist-ul fiind: 'Intro' 'The Circuitry Of The...
Top Versuri Mew
Silas The Magic Car
Cartoons And Macrame Wounds
Sometimes Life Isn't Easy
New Terrain
Introducing Palace Players
Hawaii Dream
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Mew
- Introducing Palace Players Intro Tab
- Circuitry Of The Wolf Tab
- I Should Have Been A Tsin-tsi For You Chords
- Saliva Chords
- Special Tab
- Symmetry (ver2) Chords
- Snow Brigade Chords
- Apocalypso Chords
- Zookeepers Boy Tab
- Fox Cub Chords
- Panda Bass Tab
- Symmetry Chords
- She Came Hone For Christmas Chords
- Snow Brigade Bass Tab
- Behind The Drapes Chords
- 156 Chords
- 156 Bass Tab
- Am I Wry No Tab
- Panda Chords
- Symmetry (ver3) Chords
- White Lips Kissed Chords
- Zookeeper Boy Intro Tab
- Life Is Not Distant Tab
- Her Voice Is Beyond Her Years Tab
- Apocalypso (ver2) Chords
- Louise Louisa Tab
- Snow Bridgade Tab
- Why Are You Looking Grave Chords
- Web Chords
- Then I Run Chords
- Saviours Of Jazz Ballet Chords
- Chinaberry Tree Chords
- Mica Bass Tab
- Comforting Sounds (ver3) Tab
- Circuitry Of The Wolf (ver2) Tab
- Succubus Chords
- Snowflake Chords
- Snowflake Tab
- She Spider (ver2) Tab
- Mica Chords
- Zookeepers Boy Bass Tab
- WhereverChords
- Comforting Sounds (ver2) Tab
- Comforting Sounds Tab
- Saliva Bass Tab
- Am I Wry No ver2 Chords
- Am I Wry No (ver2) Tab
- Chinaberry Tree Tab
- Coffee Break Tab
- She Spider Tab