Scrolls Of The Megilloth Tab - MORTIFICATION

Scrolls of the Megilloth
From the album "Scrolls of the Megilloth"
1992 Intense Records
Frontline Music Group

After the organ plays for a while guitar1 comes in with Riff a:
Riff a

Riff a
Guidance of our intimacy
Holy love is what I see
Direction from the book of life
Song of songs in the Megilloth

Riff b (chorus)
|-------------------------|------------------------|x2 (2nd time  
|-------------------------|------------------------|with words)
 Existence of admiration     Man's part of God's creation

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Riff a
David's geneology
A female friend is she
Ruth is a book of love
To overcome difficulties

Riff b (chorus)
Boaz, symbolic of Christ Redeeming His holy Church 

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Riff c 
  Esther,         victory of morals over conniving racist king
Sovereignty       and geat courage  Protection of God's people

Riff a
Taken to captivity
A sense of tragedy
Jerimiah's lamentation
Grieving for his nation

Riff b (chorus)
 Destruction is a logical result of defying God

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Riff a
A book of philosophy
Frustration absurdity
Everything has a season
Purposed under Heaven

Riff b (chorus)
Ecclesiastes, Soloman's searching Just like your life

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Scrolls of the Megilloth

Riff c 

Riff a



Ah, yes, the good ol' days of Mortification. That last part is the only area 
where you can play something different than what is indicated. If you can't 
figure out other ways to play it, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Remember 
that this song is copywrited, which I guess gives them special rights. I don't 
really know, but I think that you aren't allowed to play this in public or 
Oh Well.

"The absence of proof is not proof of absence"-Richard Devine
                                               The Lost World
                                               Michael Chrichton

God Bless You
Galatians 1:3
James Donnelly