MOTLEY CRUE il recruteaza pe tobosarul lui OZZY dupa ce Tommy LEE si-a rupt coastele.

de Cristi Nedelcu

MOTLEY CRUE il recruteaza pe tobosarul lui OZZY dupa ce Tommy LEE si-a rupt coastele.

Motley Crue il recruteaza pe tobosarul lui OZZY dupa ce Tommy LEE si-a rupt coastele. Tommy Lee a cantat cinci melodii cu trupa la Suntrust Park din Atlanta, GA inainte de a-i preda betele lui Tommy Clufetos (Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath).

Intr-o declaratie catre multime prezenta si de pe Instagramul sau, Lee a citat drept motiv coastele rupte cu cateva zile inainte de turneu, desi a facut totusi o treaba grozava, avand in vedere conditia sa medicala. Desigur, ii dorim lui Lee o recuperare completa dupa accidentarea sa si o felicitari maxime lui Clufetos pentru pozitia sa si ajutorul acordat!

"Man y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!" a scris Tommy Lee. "I broke 4 f*****g ribs! But I've been resting and healing and even though the doctor tells me I shouldn't play at all, you know I'm stubborn and I'll beast through the pain every show for as many songs as I can! And have no fear, my boy Tommy Clufetos is here to help me out until I'm back at 100%… we've all been waiting years for this moment and there's no way I'm missing this! On with the show!".

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