In curand va fi lansat un film despre viata lui Lemmy

de Cristi Nedelcu

In curand va fi lansat un film despre viata lui Lemmy

Planurile de realizare a unui film biografic despre viata regretatului basist si solist Motorhead, Lemmy Kilmister sunt in curs de desfasurare.

Producatorii noului material vor ca filmul sa fie proiectat la prestigiosul Festival de Film de la Cannes.

Noul film se va numi "Lemmy" si va fi regizat de catre Greg Olliver dintr-un scenariu pe care l-a scris impreuna cu Medeni Griffiths.

Materialul va cuprinde viata lui Lemmy, incepand de la copilaria sa din Stoke-on-Trent pana la decesul acestuia.

“Everything you’ve heard about Lemmy is probably true … not because he was embracing rock 'n’ roll cliches, but because he was creating them. Marlboro Reds and Jack Daniel’s for breakfast, speed for dinner – all true. But behind that steely-eyed facade of rock 'n’ roll was also a compelling, complicated and lionhearted man who stayed the course and never gave up playing the music that made him happy. We’ve been carefully developing this biopic since 2013, making sure to stay true to Lemmy, Motorhead band members Phil Campbell and Mikkey Dee, and all the other folks that played important roles in Lemmy’s life. This will be a film they’ll be proud of.

It is a story of immense cultural importance,” added the executive producers. “If the last five years of his absence has taught us anything, it is that he was more unique than anyone could ever have known because no-one touches the quality and sheer freedom of the man. Greg is a deeply trusted part of our circle, and we are delighted to see this film coming to fruition.", a declarat Greg Olliver.

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