In urma atacurilor teroriste care au avut loc in Paris vineri seara, Foo Fighters au decis sa anuleze urmatoarele concerte care faceau parte din turneul european.
Intr-un comunicat de presa, trupa a spus:
"It is with profound sadness and heartfelt concern for everyone in Paris that we have been forced to announce the cancellation of the rest of our tour. In light of this senseless violence, the closing of borders, and international mourning, we can’t continue right now. There is no other way to say it. This is crazy and it sucks. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who was hurt or who lost a loved one.”
Motorhead a anulat show-ul programat in Paris seara trecuta, aratandu-si regretul pentru cele intamplate printr-un comunicat de presa:
"Our hearts go out to all who have suffered in Paris tonight. We are so sorry; it is so utterly horrific. Thank you to everyone who has asked about us all. Everyone in the Motorcamp is safe, although as you have probably heard, Paris and, indeed, France, is understandably on lockdown until local authorities can gauge the full extent of what has occurred. We just hope everyone can heal."
De asemenea, U2 si Coldplay sunt alte doua trupe care au ales sa anuleze concertele programate pentru perioada urmatoare.
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