Dont Take My Hat Chords - Mr Seley

Dont Take My Hat
By: Tom Seley
                         A Chord    E7 Chord

You could take my (A) money
You could take my (D) credit cards
You could (A) take everything I own in this whole wide world
It wouldnt (E (7th fret)) be that hard
You could take my socks
You could take my shoes
You could tell me what I call reality
Is just a ruse

But dont take my (A) hat
Leave it on my (low E) head
It keeps my (F#m) forehead from turnin (D) red
It keeps the (A) rain from pourin (low E) down
Its the (F#m) original American (D) crown

You could take my house
You could take my car
You could take my laptop
You could take my guitar (well, maybe not the guitar)
You could take my television set
So shiny and new
You could take my cable box
And a coupla old cans of soup


The one thing I learned from all this is that if you have a hill to climb, waiting wont 
it any smaller.
And if you aint met yer match ya aint looked hard enough
They tell me that a wishbone aint no substitute for a backbone, and I believe its true
Any cowboy can carry a tune.  The trouble just comes when he tries to unload it.
Andwhen in doubtlet your horse do the thinkin

