Amorphis sunt invitatii speciali turneului Nightwish din Marea Britanie si Europa
23 Martie 2020 de Cristi Nedelcu
Nightwish au confirmat alaturarea trupei Amorphis ca invitati speciali in turneul lor britanic si european de promovare al albumului "Human. : II: Nature"
Seria de concerte contine 17 show-uri si va incepe pe 16 noiembrie la Oslo si se va incheia pe 18 decembrie la SSE Arena Wembley din Londra.
“We are super honoured and stoked that our beloved friends from mighty Nightwish asked Amorphis as a direct support for their next European tour. This year will be super-hectic for us as we also celebrate Amorphis’ 30th anniversary. Lots of shows coming up plus writing new material for next Amorphis album. Our plan was actually to enter the studio at the very end of the year but you really can’t say no for the tour that is going to be absolute mega blast.” Au declarat Amorphis.
Nightwish lanseaza pe 10 aprilie albumul "Human. : II: Nature" via Nuclear Blast.
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