Formatia Nightwish a terminat de inregistrat partile instrumentale pentru cel de-al zecelea album de studio la Abbey Road Studios din Londra, Anglia.
Ieri, trupa NIGHTWISH a distribuit online o fotografie de pe Abbey Road, care includea urmatorul mesaj:
"It’s a wrap! 1065 takes of orchestras, choirs and special guests recorded at Abbey Road Studios. Our sincerest thanks go to everybody involved, musicians, singers and technicians alike. Your passion and dedication never ceases to amaze us. Very special thanks to Mr. James Shearman for wonderfully filling the massive shoes of our long-time orchestral arranger, Mr. Pip Williams. Onwards!"
In decembrie anul trecut, claparul si compozitorul principal al trupei NIGHTWISH, Tuomas Holopainen, a spus ca urmatorul material al trupei, dupa „Human. :II: Nature” din 2020, va fi a treia parte a unei trilogii care a inceput cu albumul „Endless Forms Most Beautiful” din 2015. Acesta a declarat pentru Metal Hammer: "I immediately knew after getting that album ['Endless Forms Most Beautiful'] done that, 'Okay, we have to do more songs about this, because there's so much more to explore and tell the world. We're not done with this.' And the same thing happened after 'Human. :II: Nature.'; we're still not done. So let's do one more. At least one more. In a way, [the next album] is the third part of a trilogy, which started with 'Endless Forms…' and then 'Human. :II: Nature.' There are some major surprises there again, but it feels like a natural continuation to 'Human. :II: Nature.'"
Potrivit lui Tuomas, urmatorul LP al formatiei NIGHTWISH va acoperi terenuri neexplorate pana acum, continuand in acelasi timp in stilul cinematografic care a caracterizat unele dintre materialele recente ale trupei.
"The wonderful thing is that we have had the demo [of the album] done since last spring. So it's been done for six months now. We really have all the time in the world to go through it all, and we have had a such great time with the band, just listening to the demo in our hotel rooms — me singing the lyrics and the melodies to Floor [Jansen, vocals]. She's recording them and then she's seeing them and throwing ideas to each other."
In September 2022, Tuomas a fost intrebat daca LP-ul viitor semnat NIGHTWISH va fi asemanator cu primele doua materiale. Tuomas a spus: "Yes and no. It sails on the same waters, but there's some new surprises there as well."
Tot in 2022, Holopainen a declarat ca fanii NIGHTWISH vor trebui sa mai astepte putin inainte de a auzi materialul nou. "We'll enter the studio next year and the album is gonna come out maybe early 2024."
In august 2022, Tuomas a declarat pentru Rock Sverige ca a petrecut „almost a year” lucrand la muzica si versurile pentru urmatorul album NIGHTWISH.
Intrebat daca s-a inspirat in vreun fel din pandemie, Tuomas a spus: "Yeah, lyrically there's a couple of things that reflects the pandemic, but not in the way you would expect."
"Human. :II: Nature." a fost lansat in aprilie 2020. Materialul a venit dupa albumul „Endless Forms Most Beautiful” din 2015 care a fost un album dublu ce continea noua piese pe CD-ul principal si o piesa mai lunga, impartita in opt capitole, pe CD-ul 2.
In august 2022, NIGHTWISH a anuntat un nou membru: Jukka Koskinen (WINTERSUN) ca membru oficial al trupei.
In aprilie, NIGHTWISH a anuntat ca planuiesc sa ia o pauza de la turnee si ca nu va exista un turneu pentru promovarea urmatorului album de studio al trupei. Grupul a adaugat: "The reasons for this decision are personal, but, we all agree, vital to the wellbeing and future of the band. Be assured that we still love working together, and this decision has nothing to do with Floor's pregnancy or our other individual projects. However, an album of 12 new songs will see bright daylight in 2024, as will 3 music videos! The band is positively hyped beyond words over this new upcoming musical adventure."
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