Claparul si compozitorul principal Nightwish, Tuomas Holopainen, a discutat despre o continuare a trupei pentru albumul „Human. :II: Nature” din 2020. El a spus : „ feel it's gonna be the third part of a trilogy started by 'Endless Forms Most Beautiful' [2015] followed by 'Human. :II: Nature.' and then finished by this upcoming album.”
Potrivit lui Tuomas, urmatorul LP al lui Nightwish va acoperi teren neexplorat anterior, continuand in acelasi timp in stilul mai cinematografic care a caracterizat unele dintre eforturile recente ale trupei.
„There's always something new," a explicat acesta. "It's important for my own mental health, when it comes to writing music, that you need to search for some new territories and try not to repeat yourself. And that can be heard on the upcoming album, for sure, already on the demo that we've done."
Intrebat daca viitorul LP al lui NIGHTWISH va fi din nou o explorare a stiintei evolutiei, asa cum a fost cazul celor doua versiuni anterioare, Tuomas a spus: „Yes and no. It sails on the same waters, but there's some new surprises there as well.”
La inceputul lunii, Tuomas a declarat pentru Rock Sverige ca a petrecut aproximativ un an pentru a scrie noi melodii pentru noul album Nightwish, "and then we finished the demos about two months ago. We're hitting the studio next summer, so in about a year from now...Like I said, might as well use the time for something."
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