Stiluri: Death
Biografie Obituary
Trupa Obituary poate fi pe buna dreptate considerata printre initiatorii genului death metal si cu siguranta printre formatiile care au cristalizat acest gen muzical. Obituary au luat fiinta in 1985 in Tampa, Florida, sub numele de Xecutioner . Cu putin timp inainte de aparitia albumului de debut, "Slowly We Rot" (1989), trupa isi schimba numele in Obituary. "Cause of Death', aparut in 1990, este considerat un clasic al genului death metal, iar vocalul John Tardy printre putinii solisti la acea vreme cu voce low growl, comparat de multe ori cu frontmanii trupelor Death si Possessed. In 1997, Obituary se despart, pentru a se reforma sase ani mai tarziu, in 2003. In acesti ani de absenta, Donald Tardy a cantat in trupa de turneu Andrew W.K. Allen West s-a dedicat celor doua proiecte ale sale, Lowbrow si Six Feet Under. Trevor Peres a infiintat Catastrophic in 2001, trupa a carei existenta a continuat si dupa reinfiintarea Obituary. "Frozen in Time", aparut in 2005,......Toata biografia Obituary
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Stiri cu Obituary
NAPALM DEATH, GATECREEPER, CATTLE DECAPITATION si alti membri invitati intr-un nou documentar Death Metal
Jon Lambert de la Noise Dosage Media transmite acum noul sau documentar death metal, Between Exultation and Aggression. Documentarul contine interviuri cu urmatoarele vedete death metal: Barney Greenway (Napalm Death) Dan Lilker (Nuclear Assault, ex-Anthrax) Travis Ryan (Cattle Decapitation) John...
Obituary au facut un cover dupa o piesa Power Trip
In cel mai recent episod din seria de livestream a trupei, Obituary au facut un cover pentru melodia 'Executioner's Tax (Swing Of The Axe)', piesa a grupului nominalizat la Grammy, Power Trip. Noua interpretare pentru 'Executioner's Tax (Swing Of The Axe)' a fost cantata alaturi de chitaristii trupei Power Trip,...
Ralph Santolla a murit la varsta de 48 de ani
Unul dintre cei mai cunoscuti chitaristi ai scenei metal, Ralph Santolla, a murit la varsta de doar 48 de ani dupa ce a suferit un atac de cord pe 30 mai, ulterior artistul intrand in coma. A fost sustinut in viata doar de catre aparate. S-a decis ca pe data de 6 Iunie Santolla sa fie scos de pe aparate....
Obituary revine cu un clip live pentru piesa 'Sentence Day'
Obituary a lansat un videoclip nou, de aceasta data pentru piesa "Sentence Day" extrasa de pe albumul "Obituary" lansat in data de 17 martie via Relapse Records. Videoclipul piesei a fost filmat in format 4K si contine imagini din concertele sustinute de Obituary la inceputul acestui an....
Asculta integral noul album Obituary
Veteranii americanii de la Obituary au lansat cel de-al zecelea album din cariera lor, "Obituary", si un videoclip oficial pentru deja cunoscuta piesa "Ten Thousand Ways To Die" ce se regaseste pe noul material. Obituary tracklist: 1.Brave 2.Sentence Day 3.A Lesson in Vengeance...
Videoclipuri Obituary
- Obituary - On the Floor
- Obituary - Slowly We Rot
- Obituary - Turned Inside Out
- Obituary - The End Complete
- Obituary - Redneck Stom
- Obituary - Threatening Skies
- Obituary - Find The Arise
- Obituary - Insane
- Obituary - Blindsided
- Obituary - Burried Alive
- Obituary - Back to One
- Obituary - Kill For Me
- Obituary - By The Light
- Obituary - Don't Care
Top Versuri Obituary
Feel The Pain
Exectioner Returns
Immortal Visions
Words Of Evil
Internal Bleeding
Pressure Point
Chopped In Half
Find The Arise (Demo)
Evil Ways
Killing Time (Live)
In The End Of Life
Slowly We Rot
Slowly We Rot
Second Chance
Boiling Point
Till Death
Back To One
In Your Head
Turned Inside Out
Cause Of Death
Burned In
Memories Remain
Dead Silence
By The Light
Contrast The Dead
Blood Soaked
Find The Arise
Find The Arise
Chopped In Half
Chopped In Half
Internal Bleeding
Like The Dead
Threatening Skies
Godly Beings
Gates To Hell
Body Bag
Final Thoughts
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Obituary
- Download Tab
- Redneck Stomp Tab
- Body Bag Solo Tab
- Insane Tab
- The End Complete Tab
- Cause Of Death Tab
- Buried Alive (ver2) Tab
- Face Your God Tab
- Infected Tab
- Find The Arise Tab
- Lockdown Tab
- By The Light Tab
- Blindsided Tab
- Slowly We Rot Bass Tab
- Solid State Tab
- Til Death Tab
- Godly Beings Tab
- Back To One Tab
- Internal Bleeding Tab
- Chopped In Half Tab
- Turned Inside Out Tab
- Pressure Point Tab
- Kill For Me Tab
- Body Bag Tab
- Slow Death Tab
- Im In Pain Tab
- Insane (ver2) Tab
- Lockdown (ver2) Tab
- Threatening Skies Tab
- Final Thoughts Tab
- End Complete Tab
- Back From The Dead Tab
- Set In Stone Tab
- Slowly We Rot (ver2) Bass Tab
- Sickness Tab
- Slowly We Rot Tab
- World Demise Tab
- Final Thoughts (ver2) Tab
- Killing Time Tab
- Inverted Tab
- Rewind Tab
- Immortal Visions Tab
- Buried Alive Tab
- Memories Remain Tab
- Redneck Stomp (ver2) Tab
- Burned In Tab
- Godly Beings (ver2) Tab
- Feed On The Week Tab
- Dont Care Tab
- Platonic Disease Tab