Obituary Chords & Tabs

Trupa Obituary poate fi pe buna dreptate considerata printre initiatorii genului death metal si cu siguranta printre formatiile care au cristalizat acest gen muzical. Obituary au luat fiinta in 1985 in Tampa, Florida, sub numele de Xecutioner . Cu putin timp inainte de aparitia albumului de debut, "Slowly We Rot" (1989), trupa isi schimba numele in Obituary. "Cause of Death', aparut in 1990, este considerat un clasic al genului death metal, iar vocalul John Tardy printre putinii solisti la acea vreme cu voce low growl, comparat de multe......Biografie Obituary

Blindsided Tab

World Demise Tab

Words Of Evil Tab

Turned Inside Out Tab

Til Death Tab

Threatening Skies Tab

The End Complete Tab

Solid State Tab

Slowly We Rot (ver2) Bass Tab

Slowly We Rot Bass Tab

Slowly We Rot Tab

Slow Death Tab

Sickness Tab

Set In Stone Tab

Rotting Ways Tab

Rewind Tab

Redneck Stomp (ver2) Tab

Redneck Stomp Tab

Redefine Tab

Pressure Point Tab

Platonic Disease Tab

Memories Remain Tab

Lockdown (ver2) Tab

Lockdown Tab

Killing Time Tab

Kill For Me Tab

Inverted Tab

Internal Bleeding Tab

Insane (ver2) Tab

Insane Tab

Infected Tab

In The End Of Life Tab

Immortal Visions Tab

Im In Pain Tab

Godly Beings (ver2) Tab

Godly Beings Tab

Find The Arise Tab

Final Thoughts (ver2) Tab

Final Thoughts Tab

Feed On The Week Tab

Face Your God Tab

End Complete Tab

Dying Tab

Download Tab

Dont Care Tab

Dead Silence Tab

Corrosive Tab

Chopped In Half (ver2) Tab

Chopped In Half Tab

Cause Of Death Tab

By The Light Tab

Burned In Tab

Buried Alive (ver2) Tab

Buried Alive Tab

Body Bag Tab

Body Bag Solo Tab

Back To One Tab

Back From The Dead Tab

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