Solistul trupei THE Offspring a discutat despre noul material al trupei care va aparea in anul 2024: 'I Feel Optimistic We're Gonna Have Something Out Mid-Next Year'.
La festivalul When We Were Young din Las Vegas din weekendul trecut, solistul THE OFFSPRING Bryan „Dexter” Holland si chitaristul Kevin „Noodles” Wasserman au vorbit cu Rock Sound despre progresul sesiunilor de compozitie pentru noul LP. Dexter a spus: "We're trudging along. I feel optimistic we're gonna have something out mid-next year."
Discutand despre unde se afla trupa THE OFFSPRING in acest moment in ceea ce priveste realizarea urmatorului LP, Dexter a spus: "It's a little bit more disorganized for us now. It's not like we go in with 10 songs and build them up in parallel. It's kind of like we work on this one and then this one. And so it's more like we have half an album almost done than a whole album half done."
Intrebat daca au invatat ceva din materialul anterior lansat „Let The Bad Times Roll” si daca se vor implica mai mult pe noul album, Noodles a spus: "What we learned is when we are not able to go out and play live, we really miss it. And we learned to make the most of our time in the studio and just have fun. It was a really, really creative time for us, actually. Right at the end of making 'Let The Bad Times Roll', ideas were just coming, and we've just been having a good time in the studio since then — and on the road too. It's so good to be back playing live music again."
THE OFFSPRING colaboreaza pentru noul LP cu producatorul Bob Rock (MOTLEY CRUE, METALLICA), care a mai lucrat la 3 materiale ale formatiei THE OFFSPRING inclusiv la "Let The Bad Times Roll".
Luna trecuta Noodles a declarat pentru "The Jesea Lee Show" ca formatia are deja "six or seven songs" pentru urmatorul material (LP) THE OFFSPRING "'done done' — I think even mixed done". "And we just wanna knock out another five or six, four or five. We wanna have at least 10 songs, I think, for the record, and then we'll be done. And I think next year we'll have something out." a continuat acesta.
Intrebat daca noul material OFFSPRING va avea influente „old school” sau daca reprezinta o noua era a formatiei, Noodles a spus: "It's a little bit of both — all that. The last song we did definitely sounds like an old-school — sounds kind of like 'Come Out Swinging'. Definitely some old-school stuff and then some rocking stuff and then some kind of poppy punk stuff too, for sure."
In august, Dexter a declarat pentru The Orange County Register despre progresul sesiunilor de scriere si inregistrare pentru urmatorul LP al trupei: "We're on a roll. We figured let's do it. Let's keep on doing it now. Because we're in between tours all the time. We don't really block out eight weeks. We go in for like a week or 10 days and we tend to focus on one song at a time. So we did another song and that makes six, not completely done, but they're mostly done. So we're four-ish songs away (from an album). I think we'll get something out early next year."
In ceea ce priveste directia generala muzicala si lirica a noului material THE OFFSPRING, Dexter a spus: "Sometimes you just start writing songs and you don't realize how an album is coming together until it's almost there. Like on 'Americana'. 'Americana' was one of the last songs I wrote because I didn't realize until then all the other songs like 'Why Don't You Get A Job?' and 'Pretty Fly', they were describing American society. I didn't really realize that's what the album was about until I got almost done and thought well, I'll call it 'Americana' because that's like 'Americana' means American culture. This was my vision of what I thought American culture was doing in the late '90s. We're kind of still in that phase with the songs, but we've always liked the energy of punk music and the rebelliousness. What I'm focusing right now on is just melody. I want the songs to be really good."
„Let The Bad Times Roll” a fost un succes global urias, avand sapte debuturi internationale in Top 5 si Top 10 si noua debuturi in Top 10 in SUA. Albumul a atins varful pe locul 3 in topul britanic si a ajuns pe locul 1 in topul Alternative Albums din S.U.A.
THE OFFSPRING a obtinut pentru prima data succesul mondial in anii 1990 odata cu lansarea albumului „Smash”, care s-a vandut in peste 11 milioane de copii. Dupa „Smash”, au continuat sa lanseze hit dupa hit.
De-a lungul carierei, formatia THE OFFSPRING a vandut peste 40 de milioane de albume, a avut turnee in arene si si-a construit o baza de fani la nivel mondial. „Let The Bad Times Roll” a marcat al zecelea album de studio al trupei.
Formata initial sub numele de MANIC SUBSIDAL, trupa THE OFFSPRING este compusa in acest moment din solistul Bryan Holland, chitaristul Kevin Wasserman si bassistul Todd Morse.
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