Owl City
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Depeche Mode
Stiri cu Owl City
Owl City a lansat un videoclip nou: Deer In The Headlights
"Deer In The Headlights" este cel mai nou videoclip lansat de Owl City, pe care il puteti vedea mai jos. Noul album al artistului se numeste " All Things Bright and Beautiful" si s-a lansat pe 17 mai sub Universal Republic. Tracklistul albumului "All Things Bright and...
Filmari de la inregistrarile noului album Owl City
Filmari din culisele procesului de productie pentru albumul Owl City " All Things Bright and Beautiful" sunt disponibile si pot fi urmarite mai jos. Data lansarii noului album este 17 mai si va aparea sub Universal Republic. Tracklistul albumului "All Things Bright and Beautiful" este:...
Owl City ii dedica o piesa lui Taylor Swift (audio)
Adam Young (Owl city) i-a dedicat o piesa solistei Taylor Swift, dupa ce aceasta a sugerat o atractie secreta fata de Young in piesa ei " Enchanted ", de pe albumul " Speak Now " din 2010. Presa spune ca artista a subliniat literele A-D-A-M versurile din bookletul albumului. Aristul a postat...
Owl City ofera detalii despre noul album
Noul album Owl City se va numi " All Things Bright and Beautiful " si are deja 15 piese terminate. Data lansarii nu a fost anuntat , dar se asteapta sa apara pe piata spre sfarsitul primaverii. Cele doua albume lansate de Owl City pana acum sunt " Ocean Eyes " (2009) si " Maybe I'm...
Top Billboard Rock Albums & Tracks (15 Ianuarie)
Inceputul de an aduce doua noi nume in Billboard Top Rock Albums. Este vorba de Elvis Presley cu noul disc Elvis 75 si Jeremy Camp, debut cu Speaking Louder Than Before. Daca la sfarsitul anului Owl City se clasau la jumatatea clasamentului, luna Ianaurie ii gaseste direct pe primul loc urmati de John Mayer ce...
Top Versuri Owl City
Vanilla Twilight
The Saltwater Room
Alligator Sky
Meteor Shower
Hello Seattle
Rainbow Veins
In Christ Alone
Fuzzy Blue Lights
Designer Skyline
Panda Bear
Dear Vienna
Umbrella Beach
If My Heart Was A House
Cave In
Captains And Cruiseships
Swimming In Miami
The Bird And The Worm
To The Sky
Early Birdie
On The Wing
Ill Meet You There
Air Traffic
West Coast Friendship
Dental Care
Tidal Wave
The Technicolor Phase
Peppermint Winter
Super Honeymoon
The Tip Of The Iceberg
Sky Diver
This Is The Future
The Airway
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Owl City
- Fireflies ver2 Chords
- Fireflies ver3 Chords
- Fireflies Chords
- Vanilla Twilight Tab
- Vanilla Twilight ver2 Tab
- Hot Air Balloon Chords
- Vanilla Twilight ver4 Tab
- Vanilla Twilight ver3 Tab
- Dear Vienna Chords
- Enchanted Chords
- Fireflies ver7 Chords
- Fireflies ver6 Chords
- The Christmas Song Chords
- Fuzzy Blue Lights Chords
- Fireflies ver5 Chords
- To The Sky Chords
- Fireflies ver8 Chords
- In Christ Alone Chords
- The Bird And The Worm Tab
- Hot Air Balloon ver4 Chords
- Fireflies ver4 Chords
- The Saltwater Room ver4 Chords
- Vanilla Twilight Solo Tab
- Fireflies Tab
- If My Heart Was A House ver2 Chords
- Cave In Chords
- The Bird And The Worm Chords
- Vanilla Twilight ver5 Chords
- Fireflies Intro ver2 Tab
- Sunburn Chords
- The Christmas Song Acoustic Chords
- If My Heart Was A House Chords
- If My Heart Was A House ver3 Chords
- Captains And Cruise Ships Chords
- Meteor Shower Chords
- Dental Care ver3 Chords
- Cave In Tab
- On The Wing ver3 Chords
- The Tip Of The Iceberg Chords
- Fireflies ver3 Tab
- Super Honeymoon Chords
- Fireflies Intro ver4 Tab
- Air Traffic ver2 Chords
- Meteor Shower Intro Tab
- Hello Seattle Acoustic Tab
- The Technicolor Phase ver2 Chords
- Brielle Chords
- The Saltwater Room ver5 Chords
- On The Wing Intro Tab
- The Tip Of The Iceberg Tab