OZZY OSBOURNE, AL JOURGENSEN, STEVE VAI, JOHN 5 vor colabora cu BILLY MORRISON pentru proiectul sau special "The Morrison Project"

de Cristi Nedelcu

OZZY OSBOURNE, AL JOURGENSEN, STEVE VAI, JOHN 5 vor colabora cu BILLY MORRISON pentru proiectul sau special

Billy Morrison urmeaza sa lanseze „The Morrison Project” – al treilea album solo si primul din 2015 pana in prezent. Lansarea are loc pe 19 aprilie prin The Label Group/Virgin Music Group.

Chitaristul, cantaretul si compozitorul britanic - cunoscut in primul rand drept chitarist ritmic al lui Billy Idol in ultimii 15 ani alaturi de chitaristul principal Steve Stevens dar si pentru rolul sau anterior de bassist in formatia THE CULT - a compus 12 cantece electrizante, in colaborare cu Ozzy Osbourne, Billy Idol, DMC, Al Jourgensen, Steve Vai, Steve Stevens, Linda Perry, Tommy Clufetos, John 5 si altii. Primul single al albumului, „Drowning”, apare pe 23 februarie, insotit de un videoclip.

„The Morrison Project” a fost produs de Billy Morrison, mixat de Barry Pointer si masterizat de Dave Donnelly. Toate melodiile de pe album - inregistrate in Los Angeles la diverse studiouri - au fost scrise de Billy Morrison in colaborare cu invitatii sai.

"One of the greatest things about writing this album was being able to let my guest singers do their own thing," a spus Morrison. "I would send them the track with no guidelines and just had them do whatever they felt. I think that gave those songs an energy and a life force that would not be there if I had tried to get involved in their lyrics or their melodies. And I loved everything they all did!"

Artistul a adaugat: "With the songs that I sing on this record, I wanted to write from an observational standpoint about the state of the world, the news outlets, the information flow (or lack of it) and the general sense of dis-ease that seems to be all-pervading right now."

Cum a luat nastere proiectul? "I truly believe that making music without any preconceptions or goals yields the most creative and enjoyable results," a spus Billy. "And that is exactly how this record came to life. Making music with Erik (Eldenius) and Jeordie (White) during Covid, and mixing different musical styles started my journey towards this collection of songs that ended up featuring a lot of my friends."

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