SHARON OSBOURNE este deschisa la ideea de a reinvia celebrul festival Ozzfest
04 Ianuarie 2024 de Cristi Nedelcu
Daca ati fost pasionati de rock si metal la sfarsitul anilor '90 si inceputul anilor 2000, Ozzfest a fost un festival destul de important pentru comunitatea internationala. Ozzfest a avut loc initial intre 1996 si 2010, iar apoi repornind in 2013, pana in 2018 (uneori data festivalului pica deodata cu Knotfest). A existat inclusiv o versiune digitala in 2022, insa aceasta nu s-a bucurat deloc de succes astfel ca s-a renuntat la ideea unui festival transmis digital.
Conform declaratiilor lui Sharon Osbourne din cel mai recent episod din podcastul The Osbournes, celebrul festival Ozzfest s-ar putea sa revina.
Ozzy a intrebat-o pe Sharon daca s-a gandit vreodata sa reinvie festivalul, Sharon declarand: "Yeah, sure. Of course."
Apoi, desigur, discutiile au ajuns la bani, dupa ce fiica lor Kelly a mentionat ca managerii si bookerii ar trebui sa fie „more realistic” cu privire la sumele de bani ce ar trebui sa le primeasca.
"It's great. That's what we wanted — everybody to do spin-offs and do their own festivals, and it's great," a spus Sharon. "It's great for fans; it's brilliant. But why is it when it comes to us that everybody thinks that we are trillionaires, and so that every manager who wants their band on our festival wants one of the f*****g trillions they think we've got to put on the festival?" a continuat aceasta.
Sharon si-a exprimat si anterior nemultumirile despre toti care doresc sa fie platiti mai mult pentru a participa la festival, spunand intr-un episod anterior: "…managers and agents wanted more and more and more, and it just wasn't cost effective anymore. We stopped, because it just wasn't cost effective."
Vestea buna este ca Ozzfest – in cazul in care va mai avea loc – va promova astfel cum a obisnuit, trupe fresh si noi. "It's always great to have the baby stage," a declarat Sharon. "I mean, that's what it's all about — breaking new bands. That's why we did it."
Sharon a continuat: "It's very hard for acts who are not known to suddenly go and be in front of 50,000 people on a main stage at a festival and understand what they're meant to do. It's very intimidating. You could have maybe five thousand people at that baby stage, and then to go from five to fifty to sixty thousand people, and it's really, really hard for baby bands. They've pay their dues anyway. That's what it's all about."
Urmareste podcastul familiei Osbourne mai jos.
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