Paul Weller
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Stiri cu Paul Weller
Paul Weller: Retelele de socializare sunt o porcarie
Paul Weller a declarat de curand ca este de parere ca retelele de socializare "sunt o porcarie" si nu s-a sfiit sa critice persoanele care isi petrec dupa-amiezile pe Facebok sau MySpace. Artistul le-a spus celor de la Independent ca in ciuda faptului ca foloseste tehnologie moderna pentru a-si...
Paul Weller si Kasabian vor canta la Shockwaves NME Awards
Paul Weller , Kasabian , Biffy Clyro, Marina And The Diamonds, The Big Pink, The Specials si The Maccabees au fost confirmate ca fiind participante la editia de anul acesta a Shockwaves NME Awards. Artistii vor urca pe scena pentru o serie de recitaluri speciali si colaborari in cadrul premiilor NME , ce...
Paul Weller: As mai lucra cu Noel si Liam Gallagher
Paul Weller a declarat pentru NME ca este de parere ca destramarea formatiei Oasis a fost o decizie benefica si ar fi incantat sa mai lucreze cu Noel si Liam Gallagher. Artistul a declarat ca i-a placut in mod egal pe frati Gallagher si ca nu a trecut de partea unuia dintre ei din cauza destramarii formatiei...
Top Versuri Paul Weller
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Paul Weller
- Brand New Start Acoustic Chords
- Town Called Malice (ver2) Chords
- Brand New Start Chords
- Thinking Of You Tab
- Brand New Start (ver2) Tab
- Out Of The Sinking Chords
- Wild Wood Acoustic Chords
- Town Called Malice Chords
- Early Morning Rain Chords
- All I Wanna Do Is Be With You Live Acoustic Chords
- You Do Something To Me Chords
- Changing Man Intro (ver2) Tab
- Down In The Seine Chords
- Loved Live Chords
- You Do Something To Me (ver2) Chords
- Sunflower Tab
- The Changingman Chords
- Science Chords
- Sea Spray Chords
- The Changingman Bass Tab
- To Be Someone Chords
- Goin Places Tab
- Broken Stones Chords
- Come Onlets Go Chords
- Brand New Start Tab
- Can You Heal Us Holy Man Chords
- Clues Tab
- Blink And You Might Miss It Chords
- The Changingman (ver2) Tab
- Wishing On A Star Solo Tab
- Wild Wood (ver2) Chords
- From The Floorboards Up (ver3) Tab
- The Changingman Tab
- One Way Road Chords
- Above The Clouds Acoustic Chords
- Loved Live Acoustic Chords
- You Do Something To Me Tab
- Hung Up Chords
- Wild Wood Tab
- Sunflower Intro Tab
- Theres No Drinking After Your Dead Chords
- Come On Lets Go Tab
- Sunflower (ver2) Tab
- Peacock Suit Tab
- No One In The World Intro Tab
- Country (ver2) Chords
- From The Floorboards Up Tab
- Country Chords
- All The Pictures On The Wall Chords
- Woodcutters Son Chords