Phil Collins
Stiluri: Progressive
Biografie Phil Collins
Phil Collins s-a nascut pe 30 ianuarie 1951 in Londra si si-a inceput cariera muzicala in calitate de baterist al formatiei Flaming Youth, devenind mai apoi faimos alaturi de Genesis. Phil Collins a debutat alaturi de Genesis ca voce a doua, alaturi de solistul Peter Gabriel. Dupa plecarea acestuia in 1975, Collins a devenit solistul trupei. Potrivit statisticilor, Phil Collins a avut insa mai mult succes in cariera solo, in anul 2002 acesta avand peste 150 de milioane de CD-uri vandute in intreaga lume. ...Toata biografia Phil Collins
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Stiri cu Phil Collins
Phil Collins: Reuniunea Led Zeppelin a fost un dezastru (video)
Muzicianul Phil Collins sustine ca show-ul sustinut de Jimmy Page, Robert Plant si John Paul Jones in cadrul concertului caritabil "Live Aid", pe 13 iulie 1985, a fost un dezastru. Phil declara ca a simtit acest lucru din prima clipa in care a inceput sa cante, preluand, alaturi de Tony...
Genesis relanseaza albumul de debut in 2012
From Genesis To Revelation, albumul de debut al celor de la Genesis, urmeaza sa fie reeditat si relansat anul viitor. Data stabilita pentru lansare este 23 ianuarie. Varianta originala a aparut in 1969. Componenta in acel moment era urmatoarea: Peter Gabriel – vocals Anthony Phillips –...
Phil Collins isi incheie cariera muzicala
Phil Collins, in varsta de 60 de ani, fostul solist al trupei Genesis, a anuntat ca intentioneaza sa-si incheie cariera muzicala, din cauza problemelor de sanatate care nu-i mai permit sa cante la tobe, anunta . In plus, spune el, este convins ca lumea s-a saturat sa-l asculte, ca este un moment bun...
Phil Collins prefera sa locuiasca singur
Phil Collins, fostul solist Genesis, refuza sa se mute cu prietena sa actuala, motivand ca ii place prea mult sa locuiasca singur. Cantaretul de progressive se intalneste actualmente cu prezentatoarea Dana Tyler , insa, dupa trei casatorii esuate, solistul in varsta de 59 de ani prefera sa nu isi mai imparta casa cu...
Videoclipuri Phil Collins
Muzica Phil Collins
Top Versuri Phil Collins
All Of My Life
01. In the Air Tonight
Take Me With You
You've Been In Love (That Little Bit Too Long)
You Touch My Heart
It's In Your Eyes
You Know What I Mean
No Matter Who
Two Worlds
It's Over (Home Demo)
Come With Me
Find A Way To My Heart
That's Just The Way It Is
This Love, This Heart
Big Noise
Wear My Hat
Father To Son
I Don't Want To Go
Can't Turn Back The Years
Son Of Man
Driving Me Crazy
For A Friend
Strangers Like Me
Can't Find My Way
I Like The Way
I've Forgotten Everything
Oughta Know By Now
We Fly So Close
It's Not Too Late
Behind The Lines
I'm Not Moving
Just Another Story
River So Wide
The Least You Can Do
The Man With The Horn
Thunder And Lightening
You'll Be In My Heart
Don't Get Me Started
If Leaving Me Is Easy
It Don't Matter To Me
Love Police
There's A Place For Us
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Dont Let Him Steel Your Heart Away
Please Come Out Tonight
Swing Low
That's How I Feel
That's What You Said
This Must Be Love
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Phil Collins
- On My Way Chords
- Another Day In Paradise Chords
- Something Happened On The Way To Heaven Chords
- One More Night Chords
- Take A Look At Me Now Chords
- Son Of Man Chords
- Against All Odds Chords
- Look Through My Eyes From Brother Bear Chords
- I Wish It Would Rain Down Chords
- In The Air Tonight Chords
- Another Day In Paradise Solo Tab
- Doesnt Anybody Stay Together Anymore Chords
- Groovy Kind Of Love Chords
- Do You Remember Chords
- Take Me Home Acoustic Chords
- Youll Be In My Heart (ver3) Chords
- Youll Be In My Heart Chords
- I Wish It Would Rain Down Tab
- A Groovy Kind Of Love Chords
- In The Air Tonight (ver2) Chords
- On My Way Tab
- Dance Into The Light Chords
- Do You Remember (ver2) Chords
- In The Air Tonight Bass Tab
- Take Me Home Chords
- Cant Hurry Love Chords
- Another Day In Paradise Tab
- Easy LoverTab
- We Said Hello Goodbye Chords
- Youll Be In My Heart Intro Tab
- Another Day In Paradise (ver2) Chords
- Against All Odds (ver4) Chords
- Easy LoverBass Tab
- Against All Odds (ver2) Chords
- People Get Ready Chords
- You Cant Hurry Love (ver2) Bass Tab
- Another Day In Paradise (ver2) Tab
- Another Day In Paradise (ver3) Tab
- Another Day In Paradise (ver4) Tab
- In The Air Tonight Tab
- Wish It Would Rain Bass Tab
- Youll Be In My Heart (ver4) Chords
- Two Hearts Chords
- Youll Be In My Heart Intro (ver2) Tab
- Youll Be In My Heart (ver2) Chords
- Take Me Home Tab
- Cant Stop Lovin You (ver2) Chords
- We Wait And We Wonder Acoustic Chords
- We Fly So Close Chords
- Against All Odds (ver3) Chords