You've been wandering thru' your life
Without a broubled mind.
Waiting for a revelation. But goodness made you
I see a burning flame.
It glows like the faces of the failed, when the night is falling.
You have never turned
around to face the blackened skies.
Ages of deception will haunt you. You'll sacrafice.
I see a living hope.
I wonder if this
will wake you up. From that evil...
You will wreath in fortune till that day wyour time will
Then your burning soul will be destroyed by evil.
I see a living hope.
I wonder if this will wake you up. From that
I see a burning flame.
It glows like the faces of the failed, when
the night is falling.
You'll wake up from your nightmare.
Face the devil - look him in the
Your time will end.